10305 Specialist Charity Lawyer Wanted

Hi All

We are looking at locating to Southern Italy to run a charity. Can anyone recommend a lawyer who specialises in Italian law on charities. It would have to be English speaking as we would like to set this up before we relocate so would be done over the phone and by email.

Many Thanks



There can't be too many English speaking specialist Italian charity lawyers around but you could ask Bates Wells Braithwaite who are well known London solicitors who specialise in charity law. I have no connection to them.
Also i recall postings on the Forum about a charity set up to give disadvantaged Brits a holiday in people's houses/flats in Italy while they were unoccupied.

suggest you contact Charlotte Oliver, she is Emnglish and works for a law firm in Rome... would say that if she cannot help directley she will know someone that can

she can be contacted via this site... with a private message or have put a link to her studio in Rome

[B]CMJ Oliver, Solicitor [/B]

[url=http://www.studiopaoletti.com/]Studio Legale Paoletti[/url]