10901 I Like your tan!

Oops he did it again....
[url=http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20081107/twl-i-like-your-tan-pm-s-obama-gaffe-3fd0ae9.html]'I Like Your Tan': PM's Obama Gaffe - Yahoo! News UK[/url]

General chat about Italy

The guy's a pillock. The sad thing is that he thinks he is funny and then he gets upset when someone points out that he's not.


Bit like Russel Brand, eh!

"A closed mouth gathers no foot"

[quote=juliancoll;102171]Dock his pay for 3 months![/quote]

Just his pay??? lol

Sally, have you read the mini quote within Charles post? :smile:

[url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/barackobama/3398962/Silvio-Berlusconis-top-10-gaffes.html]Silvio Berlusconi's top 10 gaffes - Telegraph[/url]