10795 Planting a garden!

Hi all

Thinking about planting some serious trees and shrubs at our new Villa near bagni di lucca.... has anyone any advice tips and recommendations regarding doing this work. Thinking about finding someone that is highly recommended that news the area, the soil and what will grow etc.

Your help as always is appreciacted

Chris and Cindy Bradley

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

There has been lots of advice re tree planting so may I suggest searching through old threads. You could also join the Gardening Group on this Forum. Click Groups, top of this page on the left. Those that have houses in your area may be able to make recommendations too.

Well guys as you are in Tuscany you have to plant a cypress tree somewhere.
There is the huge tree farm in the centre of Lucca who will probably give you good advise and deliver should you buy there.
You can haggle if you pay cash, I did. :winki:

Busy reading and as you say already lots been covered here in the past :smile:

Best regards

Chris and Cindy

oleander seems to be popular here and easy to grow. it is a shrub that blooms all summer

Hi, just back from Bagni di Lucca and I saw your post. I found an excellent nursery near Fornacci di Barga on the road coming from Fornoli going towards Castelnuovo di Garfagnana. Not a huge variety of plants but they do give excellent advice about what can survive a winter in the area. I bought several plants from them.
Best wishes,

Next year you might want to go to the Murabilia exhibit on the walls of Lucca. Nurseries from throughout the area come to display their wares. Among them this year were 2 that are placing especial emphasis on antique or heritage plants - perinnials and both fruit and decorative trees. They are both passionate about planting to encourage birds and helpful insects as well as to limit the damaging impact of non-native plants.
Vivai Belfiore: [url]www.vivaibelfieore.it[/url], Loc. S. Ilario, Lastra a Signa (Fi)
Piante Perenni: [url=http://www.ilpostodellemargherite.com]il posto delle margherite[/url], via Pontemaggiore, Massa Macinaia (LU)