10965 Italian Slackers - Jobsworths?

An interesting article from Associated Press (AP).
At least someone out there is finally voicing what many think and, even better, is asking for radical changes on how hard (or rather how much) 3.5 MILLION state employees work and what their level of productivity is... I'm sure that many of us could furnish them with those figures couldn't we.... It's ZILCH! :yes:

[URL=http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081114/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_italy_slaying_sloth_1"][B]>Italian Slackers and Jobsworths<[/B][/URL]

Italian Politics

Brunetta should come to the UK when he's finished sorting out Italy. There's plenty of slackers and skivers here for him to kick up the backside.

Well, at least absenteeism has been reduced and I would bet that "coffee breaks" are shorter... But Italy is not the only country where this has been going on. If we make a list....it could be endless...

I don't know anyone in my locale who takes "6 weeks holiday". Plus many are holding down two or three jobs.