11545 Residency issue re health cover.

Is there anyone out there who has dealt with the Licciana Nardi Commune in applying for residency in the past?

I went in to apply the other day to apply to be told that neither the European Health Insurance Card (no E xxx number on it but valid and issued by Irish authorities), nor the VHI Global Health Insurance card/policy (which is an Irish private health care plan specifically set up for expats living abroad) will suffice and that I must have Italian private health care cover. Can this be true?
I've read all the previous threads regarding E106's and E111's and it's all left me confused to be honest. Did the E106 replace the E111? And are those numbers relative to a card that can be used in Italy for health care or just when applying for residency? Are they numbers that are issued on UK cards that you can use abroad? The Irish Health Card valid for all of Europe that I have does not have an E number on it.

Also, I know that one must provide proof of study or income (work or pension) when applying. But the guy in the commune just could not get it that I will not need to work for the foreseeable future due to my financial status and this can be shown on my bank statements. In truth, I have a small inheritance that will keep me going for a while so I won't need to work. Can this "self certification" that I've read about get me through this section of the application?

I need residency to get my child in to the local school and to buy a car. I have a house, bank account and numero codice fiscale.
Thanks in advance


Hi Ronan, you do not need an Italian health policy but your private Irish policy (produced in full) must clearly state that it is valid in Italy, and you may be asked to translate it to confirm to the Comune that it is adequate. It probably won't be enough just to show the card the Comune won't have an idea what it is.

It is the EHIC that has replaced the E111 and that is still valid for tourists in Italy but not for claiming residence. You are fully entitled to self-certify that you have enough income to live on without working in Italy (this must be at least 5,000 Euro for an individual).

You need to be persistent and perhaps print out copy of the law /circulars that have been quoted on the forum about the new residence rules. (DGL 30/2007)


Hi Charlotte,

Thanks for the advice. Really appreciate it.
Also, I found a previous posting of yours mentioning Danialle, the TV/Satellite guy. Thanks for that too. He's installing for us on Friday!

