11542 Bottled gas in Bagni di Lucca!!!

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Does anyone know where I can get my gas bottle filled in Bagni di Lucca or the surrounding area. Not bothered if I have to travel to find somewhere.:laughs:


There is a place that delivers bottles to your home in Fornoli, but I do not have their address; however, you can ring them on 0583 805248

There's a garage in Fornoli well passed Ponte delle Catene, up towards the T junction where the petrol station is. It's on the left hand side & we've used them for our bottled gas. I think it's passed the Co-op, but couldn't place it exaclty from memory, but this will get you close.

Hope this helps.

It may be the same people who deliver the bottles as I know that they are located at Fornoli.

Not sure where in the valley you are Lindsay, but there is a man in Brandeglio who supplies gas bottles. His name is Bepe Iacomini and you can find him at his place on the Piazza number 4.

Thanks loads for the advice. Will be looking in this area next week.:wideeyed:

Have you asked in your local bar? You'll find the answer to everything there even if you don't speak the lingo.