11774 Removal van to UK

Hi all
I'm trying to get a removal van to take my furntiture down to Abruzzo (near Lanciano) at the end of March. It will be returning empty. Does anyone care to use the space for return to UK? I don't think the removal van would mind going to a different area if it means he will pick up extra business.
Please pm me if you are interested.


Hi! There's a coincidence. I have my removal to Abruzzo arranged for the first week in April with a professional firm and I've been discussing the return journey with Nicky, as I know they are returning to the UK at about the same time. As it sounds like it is a private hire you are doing, that may be a better and cheaper option for them.

May I suggest that you send them a Private Message or give them a call. They have posted their number on another thread


Good luck with your move.
[url=http://www.lagrandequercia-abruzzo.com]La Grande Quercia Bed & Breakfast[/url]

hi guys
maybe we can help..........follow the link below.............cheers