11853 short stay internet.

Dear All, Have just returned from a 1 week stay at my house to find that ADSL is now available in the area. I need to have reasonably fast internet for about 5 months of the year when I am here in the summer. What are my options? I obviously could subscribe to Telecom Italia as I have a fixed landline but don't want to get involved in paying quite a lot more for the time I am not here. I have also heard that once you sign up to the contract it is quite difficult to get out of. Last year I had a internet connection through a mobile package done through Tim but it could be temperamental and I would prefer to find something else. Would be very grateful if anyone out there could give me some suggestions. Many many thanks for any guidance.

Culture & Entertainment

I'd say Telecom Italia is your best bet. Did you know that you can have free international calls for E10 per month? If you're there for 5 months and calling UK a lot, I'd say you'd be making your money back. I think that's European internationals, with a different tarriff for more faraway lands

Thanks for your reply. I have Teleconomy Internazionale and it is really worth it - as you say for 10 Euros a month I can phone home - so it is well worth the cost over the year. But Internet access through Telecom Italia might be a lot more costly - I am trying to find out the details but so far no luck.

To give you an idea, I'm on Alice 7 Mega which costs E33 per month


Sorry scandriglia, don't know. I was justglad to get phone/broadband sorted out!

It is a minimum contract of 12 months and the price Anne mentioned includes the fixed landline charge (about €14 a month). Alice 7 Mega flat is €19.99 a month plus IVA.

We recently switched from Telecom Italia (which took about six weeks!) to Vodafone. The main reason is that, like you, we won't be here all the time. The Vodafone deal is flexible (they say), so that we currently pay 29 euros a month (20 euro saving on TI) for ADSL broadband. We can change our package at any time so that we can on to a "pay as you go" system when we don't need the broadband: i.e. you pay nothing if you make no calls. So we will go onto that if we return to the UK for a longer period of time.

As I say, this is all accoding to Vodafone's blurb when we decided to change. In my experience, getting them to fulfill their side of the contract when it comes to changing the package will be the hard part.

Many thanks for your interesting reply. I'll have a look at this possibility as it sounds a better deal if you're not in Italy all year round.

Telecom Italia also do a "Pay as you Go" adsl plan (it's 2 euro an hour with a one-off connection fee of 28 euro) that might suit if you aren't a heavy user when you will be in Italy.
[url=http://adsl.alice.it/navigare/alice_free.html]Alice Free | Alice Adsl[/url]

The Vodafone deal includes a "chiavetta" (dongle) which means you can use the connection even if the ADSL conks out for a time. You can also use the chiavetta anywhere when you're out and about with your laptop for 3 euros a day, which seems very reasonable to me.

However, we used the chiavetta while we were waiting for the ADSL line to be connected - about a month - and Vodafone have sent us a bill for 180 euros. My wife has spoken to them and they will be refunding it, but do watch out for this.

Thank you so much for all your useful information. It will take some time to sort out which way I go about it but I really value the help and information you have given me. Many thanks.:smile:

I have also heard that once you sign up to the contract it is quite difficult to get out of. Last year I had a internet connection through a mobile package done through Tim but it could be temperamental and I would prefer to find something else.


We are with Tel It and have the European + US phone calls for €10 pm.
We had a phone call from them 2 weeks ago offering European calls + Italian calls + Alice 7 all for €78 per 2 months.
We agreed to the deal and the Alice box turned up within a week, I haven't connected yet but it seems a very good deal, will have to wait for the first bill.
They did pass me over to an English speaker to confirm the prices and answer my questions.
Fingers crossed.


Thanks for your detailed reply. It would be great if I could talk to someone at Telecom Italia in English - my Italian is O.K. but sometimes dealing with technical issues/tariffs I start to panic a bit and then it gets muddling. When I phone 187 they are not always very helpful - I did think of emailing them - perhaps I'll do that and see what happens. Their special deal 14.99 ends today but if you can talk to someone personally you can often get a deal that is individualized. Many thanks for your advice. :smile: