11860 Dear Auntie Persephone

Dear Auntie Persephone,

I'm suffering terrible withdrawal symptoms already after you said you were "closing shop" Please from the depths of my heart, reconsider your decision. Your tremendous power of listening and deep wisdom really has been an invaluable resource here .

With warmest regards.


Circolo di Conversazione

Moved to [url=http://www.italiauncovered.co.uk]Italia Uncovered[/url]

[B]I[/B] agree with you Nielo - another thread borne more out of desperation than a desire to contribute something meaningful to the Forum, and as it does not contain an apology, it serves no purpose [B]IN MY OPINION[/B].

So why add to the thread? Suggestion. How about reading Carole B's "it's a new day".
All of this *****ing (or is it trolling?) serves no purpose.
Disappointed of Sarnano

Hi DavidUno

I added to it, because like you, I wanted to say something. Anyway thanks for the tip - I'll go read CaroleB's straight away.:smile::smile:

You fail to mention Ghianda that i did in fact send a pm soonafter to Pesrse to apologise and also to you to ask her to check her pms. She accepted it.

Many have seen before how some on the forum (for their own strange motives and misguided figura development) use pMs and public posts mixed with a subtle use of the delete post button and requests to delete threads.

Some seem to have a warped sense of reality and believe they are fooling the masses. They should look beyond Auntie Persephone for they help.