11942 Snow

Just when we thought it was all over the forecast for Saturday is snow, so if anyone else has been out planting as I have, it might be a good idea to protect what you can. It may of course not happen .....but forwarned is.....

Travel, Talk, Safety

Yes we have snow forecast for the weekend too. The poor farmers round here have been frantically pruning their olive trees while the land is not too wet, some groves have not even been started yet!

I have a few saplings which will stay undercover and not be planted out till the snow or threat of it has passed.

I hope not as I am making a big move at the weekend to Italy.
Checked the forecast for my area and it is 'sereno' up to 16° but of course that can change by the hour. :bigergrin:

Good luck with the move, good luck with the weather!

Yes Angie, saw the forecast too - Saturday looks the worse with snow all day down to 470 m in the Amandola area - will have to get all seeds back indoors again from the greenhouse. The sledge may come in handy again though!!!

Spent the day in Tuscany, San Gemignano...20 degs and too warm in a sweater! But next week friends from England arrive so bound to be cold. Snow has come off our local forecast but it's going to get MUCH colder by weekend in Umbria too. DON'T buy geraniums yet you'll have to buy more later!

Well our forecast was right and its snowing hard here in Abruzzo, just beginning to settle and its forecast to carry on all night and through till Sunday morning.

It’s been a long old winter!!

Keep it in the Abruzzo please. Here in Umbria at 627 mts we had a snow blizzard early this morning then snow flurries for most of the day. Nothing settled, so fine and bright now but bitterly cold wind. It had been 18 degs here Wednesday unbelievable!

Has just started to snow here at 430 metres as predicted, but expect you guys closer to Amandola have got your sledges out!

Just a sprinkle when I got up a couple of hours ago but it is snowing hard now and we have a few cm. Today is the first day of Spring too!

At 500m we too awoke to a sprinkle, but most has now melted or been blown away by the strong gusts of wind! Being just that bit further away form the mountains makes quite a difference.

We awoke to deep snow this morning above Lago Trasimeno in Umbria and it is still falling. Only the dog is keen to venture utside!! Brrrr