12050 April fool?

This forum is the joke!

Circolo di Conversazione

In Italy, it is called "Pesce d'Aprile", a similar name to the one used by the French "Le Poisson d'Avril" and originally people used to stick small paper cutouts of fish on the shoulder of their "victims" and ask them whether they had seen a "pesciolino". Apparently it is a very ancient tradition although it is not celebrated at the same time of the year in every country. In Spain, similar pranks and practical jokes take place on Innocent's Day (28th of December) and the victim is called an "inocente", a credulous, gullible or naive person.

In Wiltshire, probably 10 years ago, there was an outcry over plans to move the stones from Stonehendge to their point of origin in order to keep Welsh Nationalists happy. Once in a while throughout the year,the story would return in the letters page as the "news" filtered through the populace.

Some of these made me giggle.........especially the Google Brain Search to dig out memories, eliminating "tip of the tongue" syndrome at a stroke.

[url=http://stuff.tv/News/Stufftvs-top-10-tech-hoaxes-for-April-Fools/12118/]Stuff.tv's top 10 tech hoaxes for April Fools ? technology news ? Stuff.tv[/url]

Even the supposedly serious press gets up to tricks on April 1st!
[url=http://www.economist.com/world/britain/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13395767]The Economist launches its new theme park, Econoland | The Economist Group expands | The Economist[/url]