In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Thanks, I actually got it husband looked at it and yes a spark was not inserted correctly.:bigergrin:
i actually understood it written infront of me but i would have never said it that way...
il motore continua a perdere colpi...this translates as i read the motor continues to loose the come??:reallyembarrassed:
sorry i've been in here a year and a half...and really am doing ok with the language and i will not let it beat me hence the fact i cant accept and am always asking questions..does colpi mean something else
Thank you for the really speedy response...i feel really proud of myself doing the mechanic today :eerr:
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Colpo. 4 stroke motors are variously known as a quattro tempi, OR a quattro colpi. So, to say the 'motore perde colpi' is an extremely correct technical way of describing a misfire. (Which sounds as if was exactly your trouble!) I'm pleased it was an easy fix for you.
This word colpo, comes from the verb colpire, and it means to hit, strike, thump, (explode, in the case of a combustion chamber). You can also use it in 'lui e stato colpito d'un infarto' (he was struck by a heart attack).
The noun which you are translating as blame should be colpa, compare with colpevole (culpable). Not the same linguistic root, I believe.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Thank you.....How many years will it take?
oh well i now where to come now for my little complications.....
I tick every little hurdle off the list..:laughs:
To say it's misfiring tell him "Ha difetti di accensione; il motore continua a perdere colpi. E poì non riprende bene! E quasi come forse manca una delle candele"
It has firing difficulties, the engine keeps misfiring. And it doesn't pick up well either. It's almost as if it is missing one of the plugs!
That 'should' cover it!