12188 Ligurian artichokes at Lidl UK

Amazed to see wondrous provencal artichokes from Poggio, Imperia - above Sanremo on sale in Lidl yesterday. Have to say they are a real Ligurian speciality and were very fresh and delicious. Rush there now!

Food & Drink

This is the right time of the year to enjoy fresh artichokes. Enjoy them. They are wonderful as a natural treatment for liver problems. They are also great for weight control.

Good too for detoxifying which ties in with the liver of course, and the season starts officially in May. (Yes I have been thinking we should promote/consume Italian produce especially now outside the UK. Also change your wine to Montepulciano D'Abruzzo ..... lovely wine and will help the region ..... )

Ops - I mean outside Italy in the UK. - Sorry

[quote=Gala Placidia;117347]This is the right time of the year to enjoy fresh artichokes. Enjoy them. They are wonderful as a natural treatment for liver problems. They are also great for weight control.[/quote]

Love hate relationship.

Love the taste - hate the amount of blood I have to lose on their spines to prepare the little chappies. hense the weight loss - effort and blood expended. :bigergrin:

I was going to give you a detailed explanation about how to protect your fingers from the spines, but I found this link that gives excellent instructions.

[url=http://www.oceanmist.com/products/artichokes/artichokeprep.aspx]Cooking Artichokes - Preparing Artichokes - Step-by-Step Instructions[/url]

The secret is to have a sharp knife and sharp scissors. Get rid of the top and then use the scissors for the remaining spines. Much less effort.