12294 Help - tadpole invasion!

The cover of our swimming pool is full of water as usual for this time of year. But for the first time it is also full of tadpoles! I suppose there are no predators in somewhere like that. Who we gonna call to assist them into a more natural habitat?

Froglegs anyone?

Gardening & Agriculture

]The cover of our swimming pool is full of water as usual for this time of year. But for the first time it is also full of tadpoles! I suppose there are no predators in somewhere like that. Who we gonna call to assist them into a more natural habitat?

Frog Busters

"The cover of our swimming pool is full of water as usual for this time of year. But for the first time it is also full of tadpoles! I suppose there are no predators in somewhere like that. Who we gonna call to assist them into a more natural habitat?"

You have a choice...It's early to uncover your pool, so leave it another month and you'll have 100.000 frogs or 200.000 frogs legs:no:. The other, probably genocide, siphon the wotnots out, but careful with your sucking:eeeek:. For those of a particularly gentle disposition, many of these little creatures will be washed into a more natural habitat where the predators will find them.:yes:

There is also the third option: Pilchard 'n' Sprats "Who you gonna call....FROGBUSTERS". Err what will they do with a tank full of tadpoles..tad[B]pole[/B] dancing?

[quote=annec;118875]The cover of our swimming pool is full of water as usual for this time of year. But for the first time it is also full of tadpoles! I suppose there are no predators in somewhere like that. Who we gonna call to assist them into a more natural habitat?

Froglegs anyone?[/quote]

You could introduce a few baby trout? :no:

Or as DavidUno says you could siphon them off - I suggest to the "Fat Tax thread" or "ONY Don't" because there would already appear to be slippery goings on there. :bigergrin:

I'd ask the neighbors if they know anyone who raises frogs (for legs). They could come collect them with a skimmer- solves your problem and they garner a new herd gratis.

Annec - hope you don't mind another post from me on your plight, :smile: but I became troubled by something on my dog walk after I had done my light hearted response. Whatever you do, you can't sit back and do nothing or the consequences could be dire. :eeeek:

The mental imagery troubled me to such an extent that I felt I must warn you, besides which I need to offload it and clear my head, or my day could be ruined.

Please forgive me for what I am about to do.... :laughs:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0auCDOERZyE"]YouTube - We all stand together[/ame]

Can you not just collect them using the net for getting leaves out of the pool, then put them in a large bucket of water and cart them off to some stream/pond/boggy area where they will be welcome?


Sadly I'm stuck in a Travelodge with only my work laptop for company, which doesn't allow me to access YouTube. So I'll thank you for your contribution(or not!) once I've seen it.

Eminently sensible suggestion - though it'll have to be my "artist in residence" rather than me who does it - given the above hotel-related situation. Alternatively I suppose they'll eventually grow legs and do it themselves.

BTW - Travelodge is the Ryanair of hotel chains and then some

Update - Luigi my neighbour is liberating them and taking them to a nice lake

[quote=annec;119075]Update - Luigi my neighbour is liberating them and taking them to a nice lake[/quote]

Just a thought, if it's not too late. But I bet those little feckers are jam packed full of protein. Spaghetti, olio, aglio, prezemolo, and maybe a little perperancino. Could even start a new speciality sagra. :smile:

...with some fava beans and a nice chianti.....


Please forgive me for what I am about to do.... :laughs:


Sorry Ghianda I .....just .......can't:eeeek:

[quote=annec;119075]Update - Luigi my neighbour is liberating them and taking them to a nice lake[/quote]
Excellent solution! Worked out well for all involved (even the tadpoles).

Yes but what about the local ecosystem? Hundred million froglets washed up on the shore! I'll send and sms oooooh I'll send an sms ooooooooh, I hope that someone gets my etc etc. Got to cut grass. Ciao