In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Help me help you (businesses!)
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 09:40In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
It irritates the HELL out of me that these major organisations do not communicate in English as well as Italian.
English (I think?) is an International language...................why on earth do 'they' not help US lot help them in the running of their businesses?
I include the Communes in this.................
If I had access to English language versions of lots of contracts(ENEL, Telecom Italia, MY Italian Bank, ACI, etc etc......)....... I would be [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=2][COLOR=black]GIVING THEM[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] my business..................they are therefore not helping themselves are they ??!!
My Commune (which is to be fair excellent) and the local Vigili del Fuoco are having to work so hard with paperwork and people time because I just am not 'up there' with my Italian skills (even though I am working hard on lessons and homework!) consequentially 10 phonecalls/letters instead og one/two.............In the UK we had websites from these organisations that were available in LOTS of languages................
I'd like to join ACI (gold) but I just do not understand their paperwork!!!!!!
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
"moved to"
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
[U]To be fair (?) to Enel [/U][URL=""]Torchiarolan[/URL]
We have FAIRLY regular estimated bills (HUGE!!) followed by an actual bill (MINISCULE), so I think it's just their 'way'....................
If you just keep on top of it (watch the meter etc )..........I (personally) am fairly relaxed about it all..................
The wines cheap !!
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
"moved to"
Have Enel by any chance estimated part of the bill? Their latest ploy seems to be that they read the meter on about the 3rd of the month, then add another week or so on under the heading "stimata".. This happened to us, and they had estimated over Euro 180.00 extra. Friend managed to get through to them in Italian and at least they did correct it with another new bill.
Also rates have been increased, if you are on a D3 tarrif there are 4 charge bands on usage, calculated out on daily basis over the year.
a) Componenti della tariffa base
Quota fissa €/cliente anno 45,000200
Corrispettivo di potenza impegnata (1) €/kW anno 14,178500
Prezzo dell'energia (2) - I prezzi vengono applicati secondo i seguenti scaglioni di consumo annuo:
Per la parte di consumi fino a 1800 kWh €/kWh 0,113970
Per la parte di consumo da 1801 kWh fino a 2640 kWh €/kWh 0,133050
Per la parte di consumo da 2641 kWh fino a 4440 kWh €/kWh 0,181830
Per la parte di consumo oltre 4440 kWh €/kWh 0,243320
b) Componenti A e UC e MCT
€/kW/anno(*) 0,000000
per consumi fino a 1800 kWh €/kWh (**) 0,031090
per consumi da 1801 a 2640 kWh €/kWh (**) 0,031090
per consumi oltre 2640 kWh €/kWh (**) 0,031090
Alla tariffa (componenti a + b) vanno aggiunte le imposte. In caso di prelievi di energia reattiva, clicca qui per conoscere i corrispettivi.
1) I corrispettivi di potenza si riferiscono alla potenza contrattuale
2) Il prezzo dell'energia potrà cambiare nel tempo a seguito delle variazioni stabilite dall'Autorità. Essa, contestualmente all'introduzione del regime di tutela sociale, con la Delibera ARG/elt 117/08, ha disposto, a partire dal 1° Gennaio 2009, la revisione della struttura tariffaria applicata a tutti i clienti domestici prevedendo una struttura a 4 scaglioni di consumo (sia per la tariffa D2 che per la tariffa D3)
1) e 2) I prezzi includono anche la componente UC6.