12334 Help with a lawn

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me, I have a garden around 1700sqm which was over grown, there are fruit trees there which we will keep and plant more, we also have a well with plenty of water in it. I have cleared the land with a strimmer and although it looks 100% better it is covered in what looks like straw, there are grass shoots but there are lots of other weeds and this straw type thing. I want to make the garden an area for the children to play in so I want to keep it as grass other than the odd fruit tree, I do not want to go to the trouble og ploughing and re seeding etc because I am having other work done at the moment so I need to make the best of what I have, I know it will not be a perfect grass covered garden but if I can make it so they can play that would be perfect. Should I throw grass seed down any way to see if some takes or should I use weed killer etc and look after what I have, I really do not know what to do.

Any help would be appreciated.

Gardening & Agriculture

There have been several past posts on this subject so worth tracking back and searching, vigneverde.

I have read all sorts of recommendations for types of grass seed but you try finding them here!! So this is what I suggest. Go to your local agricultural merchant and explain what you want to do and see what seed they have to do the job. Also buy some anti ant stuff. It's too expensive in those tubs of white powder but Bayer makes some that's sold in a big box and seems to be rain resistant. There are also some excellent granules. Without this, the ants will move all the seed...just watch them!!!!!!!!!!! Mix the powder in a bucket, with grass seed and small clover seed. The clover stays greener longer. Sprinkle this mix over the area that is to become "lawn", then sprinkle or if possible cover with earth. If rain is promised leave it alone, if not water every few days. Grass seed can be planted up until July in my opinion but it takes a long time to get anything resembling a lawn (years), so if you have the water and time, it's worth putting in a sprinkling system before sewing seed.

Thanks for your help

Do I sprinkle the mixture on the ground as it is now or do I have to turn it over first?

Hello Vignaverde, rake up your strimings first, then scatter the seed/anti ant mixture. By the way I would not put any more than 10% clover, it spreads and spreads and spreads. As Noble says, patience is required. The weeds will make a triumphant comeback if given the chance. You will need to get the roots out of any high growing variety. Then regular strimming or mowing will keep the rest in check. Low growing weeds are not a problem, they keep the ground covered and will remain green the longest during the drought. For a rough "garden" there is no need to use a weedkiller, save that for any gravel areas and orto preparation.

Good luck

Thanks to you both, I will give this a try.

Are the water systems expensive? and easy to put in? Or would a walk round with a hosepipe be enough.

Thanks again

If you're there anyway then just use your hose with a spray end. However you will save loads of time if you go to either your local consorzio or ferramenta and buy a couple of sprinklers. The least wasteful sort oscillate backwards and forwards. They do not cost much and provide the best coverage, you can link several together if needed.

Thankyou very much again, hopefully we can transform this wasted space now.

David Uno is far from "A cheap Gardener" or what ever he recently pretended to be, he's great :yes: but I would make it a third clover seed if you can't water/sprinkle, once the "lawn" is taking shape. The grass dies off in the height of summer and the tiny leaved clover stays greener longer. Never perfect as depends upon so many factors and it does take ages and of lots and lots of acqua....

Just a word of caution about the pozzo, we have to moderate irrigation rate and period of time irrigating otherwise we get a lot of fine silt appearing, which later makes a bit of a mess of the washing machine, disappears after abt 24 hours.

When you get to know what particular nasties come up in your 'lawn', you may want to do some regular spot weedkilling to eliminate them. My particular enemies were blackberries, dogroses, clematis and valerian - but yours will probably different.