In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
ENEl can't even speak in coherent Italian most of the time, so you'll be lukcy to find someone who speaks English. Regarding your problem, ENEL will sort it out - they can impose the right to pass and impose vincoli on the neighbour who can't do anything, unless he decides to pay (at his expense) to put it underground. But, ENEL like most state monopolies dont do anything in a hurry, and I doubt a geometra can speed things up.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
thank you for your useful post! so you belive we cant be stopped with the connection?:spinny:
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
You have a legal right to electricity if you have a house which is constructed legally (and illegally) - and nobody can stop you getting connected.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
wow thats good to hear...thank you for that!:yes:
I do not think that ENEL offers English-speaking assistance. Anyway, I would suggest that you allow your geometra to sort things out on your behalf.