12434 Update

Hello guys,

sorry about the silence - had to dash off home to parents for a week and as usual all hell decided to break loose.

Anyway - work on the new community site is continuing and we will be opening registration very shortly - as in in a few hours.

Will post in the forums with an update and an explanation of the schedule for closing down these forums.


.........is there any testing by the team planned?

.... and will asbestos socks and ejector seats be provided?

Seriously, welcome back and hope the new thing is progressing well.

It has been pretty hellish in some parts of the site over the weekend, but there has been good stuff in the rest of the Forums as well and I hope casual visitors have not ventured beyond these posts into the battle zone.

Hi David - the next few days will be all about testing and development -

I hope to find all of you on the new community website were we will be working hard towards a very different place and a very different community where new members that are interested in positive discussions can really do it without being harassed.

Hi Ronald,
it looks great.
Question - what will, if any, our role be in the new community? Are we still needed/wanted?

Also can you please set up an earthquake subforum here before it gets shut down - so we can move the threads into the subforum and it remains visible in primo piano in the archives? Please?

also, will there be any spring cleaning before the shutdown? Like, will you/we be deleting old threads with arguments in etc and just leaving the good stuff?

I hope you will join and take on responsibility if you want to once more - the structure is quite different currently so hopefully there will be much less moderation going on - what would be great is to spearhead various initiatives, events (virtual and real) and all of that. At this point your long experience is invaluable in shaping the new community so I really do hope to see you participating soon.

yes there will be lots of spring cleaning... we will keep the usefull stuff as an archive.

OK, joined, updated persoanl data, posted etc.. & am still getting to grips; are you/we planning to start any other groups (like the sub-forums here) to give it a bit more structure?

hey that's not fair, I still haven't been activated!

The new filters are working then ;)

[quote=tuscanhills;121041]The new filters are working then ;)[/quote]

just you wait, I will expose you at the new place! :winki:

Hurrah, for a moment there I was starting to feel like an outcast...thanks for approving me :reallyembarrassed: see you in there