12454 What size is your orto?

Difficult question; how long is a piece of string I know but I would like to know how much land I should budget for using as an orto in order to grow enough veg etc for two people. Could someone with experience in this field advise please?


Gardening & Agriculture

hmmm. I'm very new at this - actually hubby is very new at this as I refuse to set foot in the orto. But we have a patch of about 6 metres by about 3 metres and last year we had LOTS of salad, tomatoes until end of november, strawberries, zucchini coming out of our ears, eggplant, peppers, parsley, coriander, sage, rosemary, mint, origano (enough herbs to set up a shop), more than enough veg for a family. In fact we had too much I think. There was also space for potatoes etc had we wanted them.
Hope that helps.

Thanks Garda

That's smaller than I was planning. Good to hear it is so productive. If I remember correctly you have a fairly large family as well.

ha ha only two kids but if feels like three if I include my OH :laughs:. Oh and nonna as well makes 5 of us total :yes:


5 people. That's a lot of veg !

Its very important to rotate. Where you grow tomatoes, the next time grow zucchini etc. If you are starting out for the first time, try a few ravanello (radishes). Plant from seed and four to six weeks later they should be ready. Good luck.

Have just had the area ploughed up for mine, 10mtrs x 5 mtrs. Do intend to grow parsnips, swedes, kohl rabi etc so decided a larger area in the first instance. Can always reduce it if it's to big.


For example my neighbour has just planted 300 tomato plants, for a family of 4.[/quote]

300 tomato plants?????? :wideeyed:

Ours is planned for next years use. Am waiting for a trailerload of dried cow manure and that needs a while before the soil can be used as too rich. so they can come back and re-plough it all in later this year. then planting out around springtime of next year.