11996 What tempts you to visit Forum sites?

Each day I visit 'several' forum sites. It's become - for lack of a better word - a bit of a 'ritual' I suppose.

Some sites I have visited regularly for several years, have met a few fellow members and feel quite comfortable and at home there. Others I visit because they may deal with a particular interest I have and yet others I visit because I must be a bit of a masochist - they're [I]rarely[/I] nice places to be - too much 'in-fighting' - but once in a while something interesting pops up. But by far the most 'forum' sites I visit deal with Italy and all that entails, and these sites can all find a niche [I]somewhere[/I] in the groups above.

My 'pc time' obviously has to [I]fit in[/I] with the other aspects of my life, but I'm finding that lately it is increasingly starting to be the other way around. I shall have to put a stop to it I know - but then I might miss something! (see what I mean...it's addictive!)

How do you deal with your cyber life (if you have one) ?

And please...[U][I]no[/I][/U] polls LOL!!!

Circolo di Conversazione

I started looking at different Forums about a couple of years ago. I joined very few, say about 4 or 5 according to my personal interests, hobbies, etc. I did not last very long in the others as I was either bored, or annoyed with the ridiculous fighting or any other reasons that did not make me happy. I have found my "niche" in this one, although nothing is perfect.
Also, I really cannot find enough time for several forums to fit in with my personal life. Here I feel comfortable and I am staying, at least for the time being.

I belong to others Carole, but hardly ever visit them and have probably forgotten all the passwords, so its just this one for me, also dont have the time to create a new cyber "family", this one is more than enough :winki:

[quote=Angie and Robert;114525]I belong to others Carole, but hardly ever visit them and have probably forgotten all the passwords, so its just this one for me, also dont have the time to create a new cyber "family", this one is more than enough :winki:

Ditto for me. I visit as a distraction from work - a brief "time out" between jobs. And for the interesting/useful info that others provide. Not interested in fights, though will stand up for myself. I contribute when I have something to add (though that may be less often than I think it is!)

I initially came to Italy Mag because I moved to Italy and needed information, Later I felt that having done the move myself I had something to contribute from my experiences.

I inadvertently got caught up in the feuding here and got put in a clique, which went off and formed another forum, I joined to keep up with the interesting people who had gone from here.

I am also a member of a local forum for Abruzzo and personally know a lot of the people there.

So I still come here for the information as well as the banter which can be very amusing as long as no one looses it.

I go to the other site to keep up with virtual friends and have a good laugh.

And I use the Abruzzo forum for local news, to keep in touch with friends and to offer support for anyone who needs it.

Of all the forums I have been a member of this is the only one where nastiness creeps in. It is a terrible shame because it creates a self perpetuating atmosphere where someone saying something like ‘oh do stop the fighting, you are all behaving like children in the playground’ is enough to light the blue touch paper! I actually think it is because people are reticent to say exactly what they mean and therefore produce posts, which can be misinterpreted and offensive in a totally different way.

There have been disagreements on other forums but it has never reached such a level of bitterness, It is a real shame but perhaps there is a new dawn here and things will settle down.

I joined 2 forums related to Italy but have a preferance for this one. Those who post on it have become "mostly people I like, who are out there somewhere". I try to take a look at new posts most days whilst I sit down between jobs. It has sort of become "my back fence" for chat and information. The strong characters here ensure that it is a unique forum and one I'd miss if it wasn't there. If there's a scrap,there's no need to join in but it is part of what shapes this forum and keeps it alive in my opinion.

I joined this one mostly because we were starting to take holidays in Italy and I was hoping for some 'inside info', which I certainly did find. Ditto for Tripadvisor, though looking at the Rome threads on TA I think some people just don't bother to look at a book or a map!
There were some very amusing threads on this one, Joke for Friday and the 'I'm bored' book for instance, but I was aware of snide comments which were a bit beyond me.
However, it never got as bad as the Daily Telegraph blog I made the mistake of joining a couple of years ago! Goodness me there are some people with empty lives out there...
So I will continue to dip in and out of this one as I think our visits to Italy will continue for years, so long may it continue.
Not got involved with Twitter or Facebook or any of those (yet) though have posted photos onto Flickr.
I guess it is mostly information gathering, to answer the original question.

This is the only forum I visit. Used to go on another one. that was for a hobby of mine, but has recently folded due to lack of support.
I don't come on every day as I haven't the time.
I initially joined as I was thinking of moving to Italy but the areas I like are mega expensive so unless I win the lottery.....:no:
This forum can be interesting and informative but there is also a lot of waffle that I wouldn't be interested in but obviously suits some. I also find that some are very sarcastic but it takes all sorts. :nah:

[quote=PennyAW;114552]However, it never got as bad as the Daily Telegraph blog I made the mistake of joining a couple of years ago! Goodness me there are some people with empty lives out there...[/quote]

I'm certainly not going to admit to the Telegraph blog - but I do often visit an American financial site where the great majority of commenters are absolutely round the bend! It seems to me that Italymag forum is populated by the only sane people in cyberspace......unless you know otherwise:smile:

this is now the only one i visit with any frequency most of the others seem totally dead or are completely in the hands of 3-4 users who talk amongst them selves which is not so interesting.

Initially, I must admit I joined to blatantly promote myself as an artist [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL]

After a while I realised that no one was interested in my website [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL] but more so in an interesting combination of providing useful information on Italy and bickering.

I then joined in some fun and games and decided it might not be a good idea to promote the professional side of me (that website again to remind you [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL]) And coupled with the fact that there were quite a few threads frowning upon blatant advertising I removed my website [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL] from my signature.

P.S I have already reported my own post for blatant attempt at advertising.:bigergrin:

[quote=Nielo;114535]Of all the forums I have been a member of this is the only one where nastiness creeps in.


There have been disagreements on other forums but it has never reached such a level of bitterness, It is a real shame but perhaps there is a new dawn here and things will settle down.[/quote]The recent behaviour has put me off. I used to check here every day, now it's somwhat less.

The only other forum I use regularly is for musicians. Almost everyone is under 30 (I'm 51) so there's much less childishness and no passive-aggressive posturing.

[quote=Persephone;114602]Initially, I must admit I joined to blatantly promote myself as an artist [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL]

After a while I realised that no one was interested in my website [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL] but more so in an interesting combination of providing useful information on Italy and bickering.

I then joined in some fun and games and decided it might not be a good idea to promote the professional side of me (that website again to remind you [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL]) And coupled with the fact that there were quite a few threads frowning upon blatant advertising I removed my website [URL="http://www.evalock.moonfruit.com/"]Eva Lock Art[/URL] from my signature.

P.S I have already reported my own post for blatant attempt at advertising.:bigergrin:[/quote]

I think this is a very moving ( please visit our website for details ) thread, and the the thought of its removal ( please visit our website for details ) would be a shame.
This should be stored ( please visit our website for details ) for a long time to come.

PS Likewise self-reported :laughs::laughs:

PPS..........Percy, not one mention of the return of your GREAT Agony Aunt help desk ..........I for one miss it shed loads ..or part loads ( please visit our website for details )

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

well donehttp://www.soran.edu.iq

Joined this forum nearly 4 years ago when we were thinking of retiring to Italy, we made the move 3 yeas ago, the forum members were very helpful on tons of questions.
3 other forums were created by people that were/are members here, these I also joined at the time but the only ones I regulary visit now is IM and the local Abruzzo forum.
I try to contribute where I can and I still have questions that crop up from time to time.
I still look at some of the other Italian forums now and again but have not joined, still found some useful info though.
Some of the infighting does annoy me but I've decided to look and not touch.


I still check in most weeks.I use other forums ie for music/cars.Hey I'm a man so what's new.

I joined this forum for info & got "involved" Loved it & cruised it nightly. It allowed me to imagine what it would be like to live in Italy. Answered & confused me at the same time. Enjoyed the spats (one of my failings), & the humour. Sad that so many are no longer here... But great cos a whole new & vibrant lot keep coming in & reminding me that I was once as "fresh faced & excited"....But now, I'm....just as excited I'm here.

It's the money. I'm only paid a meagre sum for each post, less for near valueless ones like this one, but it all helps. The big earners are those where I pick up more than 10 grazie for a post. :bigergrin:

Also I used to enjoy good old English pub life where I'd meet up with friends and strangers -Noble mentioned this was like nattering over her back fence, well for me I enjoy some Italy (life and people) related idle chat in the virtual pub. Like a pub, when you see some people walk in, you quickly drink up and leave. But most members in one way or another can give me an excuse to stay. :yes: There's lot's goes on which is on no interest, but it seems the temptation to check out the posts "just in case" is strong in the quiter winter months or like today when it is raining.

Re the fighting, well communication via the written word is prone to misunderstanding and because it is so easy to bang out replies in the heat of the moment, the odd virtual scuffle is bound to break out. :Dancing_angry:But that too is part of real life and it would be sad to surpress anyone's views for the sake of sickly over-politeness.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

well done

Regarding Ghianda's comments, I have a niece who is a prominent psychologist and she told me how much the Internet and text messages are affecting relationships in general. She said that nowadays people do not think twice before writing a message and posting it. Before, you needed more time to write a letter or even a message and to get it to the recipient and this made you reflect on its contents. Nowadays, you write the first thing that crosses your mind and this can be dangerous for relationships and communication in general. Clashes are more frequent and violent.
Sorry, but I do not agree with you, Ghianda, about "over-politeness". I think that the word "over" is unnecessary. There is politeness and then there are bad manners. In a public Forum we should all endeavour to express ourselves politely even if we are arguing about any topic. That has nothing to do with conveying your own opinions on any matter. Sarcasm, sense of humour and irony add a little bit of pepper to any discussion and as long as it is witty and polite nobody should get offended.

I’ve only ever joined two forums one was all about theme parks in Florida when we were planning a trip with my son. It was very informative and people were very helpful – although there were some complete “nutters”

After we had experienced the world that is Disney I never went back on the site.............draw your own conclusions.

I joined IM when we had bought our house and have found it very useful (and at times confusing)

Although at the time of buying initially our plan was for a holiday house we soon realised that we wanted to live in Italy when we retired and are now planning how to make that a reality – we are 47 and 52 so it’s quite a long term plan – especially as I now will not qualify for a state pension until I am 66.

This forum has helped us “take off the rose tinted glasses” and made us take into consideration the drawbacks of living in Italy. So no we won’t be chucking the day job and starting again in Italy and we are working out whether we can keep a bolt hole in the UK should anything happen that we need to come back to the UK (NHS mainly…) and I’m learning Italian doing the Open University Course that I found about on IM – (thanks Lorraine)

We have had some great experiences buying and we are now hopefully selling (today) and buying again (June) – and although I have loads of things I would like to ask the members opinion on - I am reluctant to post as I find some members are quite officious in their replies and no one likes to feel stupid!

So, I have now worked out how to use the search facility and usually find at least one post that has the information I was looking for.

I also find the “in fighting” a bit tedious – and to quote my mother “civility costs nothing” and “manners maketh the man”

However, I AM addicted and do look every day to see what's happening....:winki:

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

well donehtpp://www.soran.edu.iq

[quote] By Gala Placidia:. "She said that nowadays people do not think twice before writing a message and posting it. Before, you needed more time to write a letter or even a message and to get it to the recipient and this made you reflect on its contents. Nowadays, you write the first thing that crosses your mind and this can be dangerous for relationships and communication in general. Clashes are more frequent and violent."[/quote]This point is often very true - that old 'knee jerk' more often than not will land you in hot water... This has been abundantly obvious over a long period of time here on IM and to the detriment of what is ostensibly a super, informative and (yes I'm going to say it) a very friendly site. If posters can't be bothered to check what they've written before posting it, then they also lose that precious moment which allows them to reflect on what they've either said (or done) before putting it into the public domain.

I will often take more than a day to respond to a post which 'riles' me - and I will always
try very hard to remain civil - however angry I may be...

[quote]By Jinty: "..... We have had some great experiences buying and we are now hopefully selling (today) and buying again (June) – and although I have loads of things I would like to ask the members opinion on - I am reluctant to post as I find some members are quite officious in their replies and no one likes to feel stupid!"[/quote]Just how sad is this statement? I (personally) feel quite ashamed that you should actually feel this way Jinty. I [I]can[/I] understand 'where you are coming from' though. There is [I]nothing [/I]worse that seeking help or advice and getting a condescending 'put down' for a reply. I wonder if those who ascribe to this method of treating 'inexperienced newbies' can remember ever being in the same boat? I'm sure they [U]must[/U] have been... I've been here for a bit, and wish I knew it all, but chance would be a fine thing to be able to just know a bit more than I do now!

I remember years ago seeing this sign in a workshop "Please DON'T ask for advice, as a smack in the mouth often offfends!" Like many here I enjoy visiting to be able to share what I have learned with other like minded people [U]and[/U] to be able to learn fro the many who know far more than I will ever do... but if I can ever help out don't - EVER - hesitate to ask.

Bet that goes for a lot of others too :yes:

I only joined very recently, though I am a member of two other forums, neither have anything to do with Italy, but are connected with other interests. I haven't made any friends yet but it is early days. I am still finding my way around, the groups section seems an interesting idea.

I find forums generally very informative and enjoy finding out new things on lots of topics.

I also enjoy a good debate so hopefully when I feel a bit more confident I will be brave enough to join in :nah:

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

well donehtpp://www.soran.edu.iq

I was originally drawn to IM by the expert advice of Notaio and the English lawyer in Rome (whose name escapes me at the moment) and others. They are here less now, but I come to read the humour. It's gotten much less fighty the less couple of weeks- hope it's permanent.

[quote=Lollita;114668]I only joined very recently, though I am a member of two other forums, neither have anything to do with Italy, but are connected with other interests. I haven't made any friends yet but it is early days. I am still finding my way around, the groups section seems an interesting idea.

I find forums generally very informative and enjoy finding out new things on lots of topics.

I also enjoy a good debate so hopefully when I feel a bit more confident I will be brave enough to join in :nah:[/quote]

Hi Lolita

As a newbie, what drew you to Italy Mag forum? Do you have connections to Italy or are you just an Italophile?

On the general topic of joining forums, the tone of the posts is quite important. I joined a forum about a fascinating, amusing and very intelligent author. I was expecting a bit of intellectual discussion but it was mostly a lot of desperate sycophants, vying for attention. It was more like a fan club than a forum! I never posted and never went back! :nah:

I joined a forum about a fascinating, amusing and very intelligent author. I was expecting a bit of intellectual discussion but it was mostly a lot of desperate sycophants, vying for attention. It was more like a fan club than a forum! I never posted and never went back! :nah:[/quote]

So not unlike this one then.:winki:


I also enjoy a good debate so hopefully when I feel a bit more confident I will be brave enough to join in :nah:[/quote]

Speaking as fellow 'newbies' we have been in awe of your posts! You come over as extremely well informed/practical etc - and we are dead jealous :winki:

We joined this forum and another expatesque place which we only look at rather than participate in as it's a little intimidating somehow. This one is more homely.

Moxie (and him)

Strange choice of name though!!!!!!!


[quote=Lollita;114668]I only joined very recently, though I am a member of two other forums, neither have anything to do with Italy, but are connected with other interests. I haven't made any friends yet but it is early days. I am still finding my way around, the groups section seems an interesting idea.

I find forums generally very informative and enjoy finding out new things on lots of topics.

I also enjoy a good debate so hopefully when I feel a bit more confident I will be brave enough to join in :nah:[/quote]

This is my second attempt to reply to you, not sure what I'm doing wrong, hopefully just a glitch.

Why did I choose Italy Mag forums, one thread - Naples by juliancoll, it is pure magic. I had to join to see the photos and sat down this morning to re-read the whole thing WITH pictures.

I have no real link to Italy, though I do have Bracci way back in my family tree, which if I have worked it out correctly makes my left toe Italian.

I love Italy and visit once or twice a year, trying to see as many places as possible. Naples next I think :yes:

[quote=Moxie;114726]Strange choice of name though!!!!!!!


Hi Moxie,

Do you mean me? Lollita was a childhood nickname, nobody in my family can spell :no: It does give me chance to sign of with lol!!! though.