Hellowe have an apartment in Venice and

Blossom57 Image
03/09/2016 - 05:36

Hellowe have an apartment in Venice and need to find someone who can supply and fit a kitchen for us including plumbing and electrics. Alternatively, a plumber and an electrician who can connect up an ikea kitchen.  Any recommendations and advice gratefully received



Hi Blossom,I would go locally, state your ideal budget i.e. whatever IKEA would cost and take it from there. A local company / shop can be competitive if they want to be, though you may have to shop around - not sure what choice you will have in Venice, but there will be upper and lower market kitchen suppliers. Big advantage of a local company is that they SHOULD be able to coordinate the crafts men better, and if anything goes wrong with your white goods they can sort out a solution quicker. Ikea is OK but you will have to do all the coordinating yourself, and kitchens have alot of coordinating to do - and alot of little things that can go wrong. You will have to pay extra for the coordinating but it will probably be worth it if you are not in Venice alot.Do you speak some Italian? Have you already looked at the paginegialle:http://www.paginegialle.it/ricerca/cucine%20su%20misura/Venezia%20(VE)?Best of luck, ConorP.S.Strangely enough there is a biggish company called Venezia Cucine, but they are based in Milan and Switzerland.http://www.veneziacucine.com/contatti/

I agree with Ronco we looked around at Ikea, Mondo and others, then someone pointed out this tiny little shop that we did not even know existed. Went to see them and told them what we liked in the way of type, colour etc and what price it was. They came up with almost the exact same, but a lot cheaper AND it included delivery and installation at no extra cost. The guy came up with a plumber and electrician, we still use the local plumber he brought now...