Happy New Year everyone.  I'm

Lise.tozzi Image
01/02/2017 - 10:36

Happy New Year everyone.  I'm new to this post.  I'm Italian, first generation living in Montreal, Canada.  My father is from Casacalenda, Campobasso and am looking for someone who would be able to send me photos of the area.  I'm particularly interested in photos of two houses (where my dad was born and last lived); Vico San Leo, 20 and Vico Firenze, 8. My father can no longer travel but I would very much like to show him some pictures of these houses.  Thank you in advance for any info you can provide.



Happy New Year to you and all here. Sorry I can't help you with pictures, but hopefully someone here can. Have you had a look at Google Street view here , don't know why the caption says Molise, but it's not. The street from the link is Via Vittorio Emanuele III which seems to be nearby. In case you are not familiar with it, if you put your mouse ahead on the street you get a circle with an arrow in it, double click and the little man advances, that way you can almost drive around the town smiley Do hope this is of some help.

Hi,  thank you for your reply.  I have tried with google and vpike.  Unfortnately, Vico Firenze is a very small street, up some stairs and cannot get a look at the street itself.  Hence, my request.  I've alao tried with google images and have found nothing.  I'll continue to live in hope!Thanks and Happy New Year