Gala Placidia Image
04/10/2012 - 03:42

I've just read in "Il Tirreno" (Lucca edition) that there is a large marketing and promotional campaign to visit these Tuscan provinces and combining the efforts of both provincial governments, the STA an Ryanair, who is offering heavily discounted airfares. Here is the relevant information:



The last thing in my opinion the we need in Lucca especially, is more tourism. The City is heaving at most times of the year with tourist from all over the World and a considerable amount from Italy as well. It is spoiling the intrinsic charm that Lucca Citta has now, so I can't imagine what more tourists would do except drive up prices.....

I'd love to explore various areas in Italy and, at some stage, stay. I'd probably start from Livorno, Pisa and surrounding areas (Livorno brings me back childhood memories when, with my dad and mum, we would make stop overs on the way to Terracina, Sperlonga, Gaeta and Formaia all down the coastal lines of Lazio). I've been looking at Ryanair and comparing with Easyjet, Easyjet seems to have better prices and without all the 'added' bits & pieces Ryanair customarily charge.