Dealing with rubbish on short breaks

06/18/2012 - 22:59

How does everyone here cope with rubbish when they only visit for a few days.Our commune now does daily collections, umido one day, secco the next, then vetro, and then around again. It's hardly practical leaving out a vetro bin and then returning to the UK and hoping to find it still out on the road when you return some while later on your next visit.Fortunately for me, my local shop has offered me use of their bins which takes away the burden - but has anyone else wondered how to deal with this situation?



We leave at the house everything that is 'long life', that can wait for the next time we're there, [paper, metal, glass, plastic etc  - we also have 5 or six collections a week] Everything that is 'perishable' we put in a plastic bag and drop off in the service station rubbish bins - its usually a very small amount.  [We have a mental map of where suitable bins are - depending on the route we take]

I think if your commune hasn't changed its system you will not understand the problem.  We now have to drive 8km to a commune that has public bins.  Our two local ones do not - they give individual collection bins for general rubbish, recycling and umido but only in the town.  If you are in the country it is now a big problem.  Whereas it used to be easy to get rid of rubbish it is now a military style operation.  I have even changed where I shop so I can get rid of rubbish without wasting too many miles.

It's all done house to house. Where can I find where my local dump is. You thread attackers are beginning to sound like Anastasia on my GPRS & EDGE thread - where she said the thread wouldnt go anywhere - but in fact in went for 25 pages. Why are you lot so bitter? Or are you just self righteous - what makes you like that?

I agree - it's a pain. As for finding your local 'ricicleria' (dump) a search with this word plus your comune should trawl up a list, hopefully with opening hours. In my zone there are brown coloured bins for organic rubbish - and these are public. You do need to use the exorbitantly expensive biodegradable plastic bags to contain your organic rubbish though. Alanh has a sensible solution (if you have the space) because paper and plastic waste isn't going to get smelly. Otherwise, supermarkets and shops seem to have decent sized bins, and if you shop regularly there they aren't going to fuss about you chucking indifferentiated stuff in their indifferentiated bins, and plastic etc in their plastic bin. Failing any of these solutions, if you have any campsites nearby, or places which encourage camper vans, the comune isn't so daft as to not realise these visitors need rubbish dumping facilities,  (which you can use, too).

We must be extemely lucky then in our commune (Piazza al Serchio)  I thought the public bins were widespread.  I hope they do not change to house to house in the future as I agree it would be a nuiscance.

"You thread attackers are beginning to sound like Anastasia on my GPRS & EDGE thread - where she said the thread wouldnt go anywhere - but in fact in went for 25 pages." Let it go Glen - that thread went for 25 pages 'cus I translated half of it into English for you and IIRC, Tusk, Derek L and a quite a few others made fair contributions to it, so it wasn't really "your" thread. By the way, if you're going to attempt to give people another negative view of "Anastasia", then please be more careful, because what I actually said in repsonse to Derek L asking that the information be preserved was... "Derek.. This thread is a "sticky".. it's not going anywhere." Which is completely different from what you were trying to infer.

If you read Google cache - you will realise Anastasia was the 2nd to post on that thread - but she deleted her comment. On that second comment she said had made the derogatory comment - allowing me to be judgemental for just a second I could forgive her by accepting the fact that - it could just be that she doesnt understand technology. 

Suspected Aspergers - there are a lot of fine people on this site. But I am on a few sites and this is the worst for insulting behaviour. I think that this is because it is not well administered as we all know. I have been astonished at some of the replies to folks' queries. I believe it is because they can get away with it here, where they would be banned elsewhere. If you want sites that are well-administered try or www.fabruzzo. Great sites!