81 looking for art holiday in Tuscany, Umbria or Abbruzzo

Hello All,

Have been living in Rome for almost a year now and now that am so close to all the rest of Italy, I'd like to look for a place this summer where I can go for 8-10 days and follows a course in Watercolor, or Scuplture or even pottery (with a tour) all for a beginner level.

Does any one of you knows of a place to suggest that be both, serious, fun, interesting and in the regions of Tuscany, Umbria or Abbruzzo, to be reached by train, and that does not cost too much either?

Many thanks!!


General chat about Italy

I know of one in Le Marche :


The course is in a wonderful old building. It is the old university for the Farfense monks and a saint was born there!

I've never attended this course, but I've had it in the back of my mind as something to think about for the future. Certainly the area is inspirig and there's great potential for hiking etc if you're in to that.
