124 Telephones in Italy

From a recent visit in ITaly - someone there told me if buying a holiday home not to get to get a land line because the line rental is expensive.

I have been onto the Telecom Italia website "Teleconomy", and I believe that it has no activation fee, approx €6 per month line rental, €0.07 call connection €0.11 pmin daytime national, and €0.02 local daytime. Plus also dialup connection.

Another service is

ADSL at 640Kb/s at €30 pmonth (plus €0.02.5 pmin above 20 hours a month usage?? that is the secret expense? ) and free activation until 31st May 2005.

Could someone tell what a tantum is please?

Have I read this right?

Profilo 20 Ore
20 ore di connessione comprese,
2,50 centesimi di Euro al minuto le ore successive(**)
640 Kbps 154,80 Euro 29,90 Euro
(free until 31/05/05)

That seems quite a good deal!

Plus you get 1 land line and 2 VoIP numbers and 5 ADSL sessions!



General chat about Italy

'Una tantum' is a 'one-off' charge.
If you have a land line, you have to pay Telecom Italia for the monthly line rental, but you're free to use any other service provider for your calls. Our own favourite is Tele2, who always offer the cheapest bottom-line. I'd avoid any 'special offers' by Telecom Italia; they're easy to subscribe to, but a nightmare to get out of if you change your mind.