Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/28/2005 - 11:47In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
smog policy in the uk
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/28/2005 - 12:55In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
this is a question that has puzzled me for some time and I haven't managed to find an answer. This [url=""]BBC story[/url] mentions high smog levels in london, but it seems they don't have a policy of stopping traffic.
So smog does, of course, happen in the UK - at worrying levels as well. But whether it is every high enough to activate the EU regulations about reductions I don't know.. yet.
no adriatica we have plenty of smog here on teeside its not affected by the weather only what ici and british steel are churning out on any particular day