238 Qualifications

Does anyone know how I can find out whether my qualifications are worth anything in Italy. All enquiries so far have not assisted at all.

As I am a tradesman and if my qualifications are not worth anything I will need to find out what courses etc regulations I may need to comply with.

As always your assistance much appreciated

General chat about Italy

Have you tried [url]http://www.cimea.it/portal/page/categoryItem?contentId=2664[/url]?

So you're the person who denied me using my proper name as log-in! Nice to "meet" another one - Hi.

[QUOTE=J&A]So you're the person who denied me using my proper name as log-in! Nice to "meet" another one - Hi.
That's the problem I usually have, even if I try using both my firs name and surname! I'm actually Jane, but someone at work started calling me Janie a few years ago and it stuck.

I would try with the British Council in Italy and the British Consulate. The international office of a university could help as well. But probably this is exactly what you have tried already :( !