1377 Odd property law...

I contacted an estate agent recently regarding a small house in the hills of Sarzana to be told that I could use the property as a second home, but only as a second home; I couldnt stay in it for long periods nor could i rent it.
Is this law presesnt throughout italy/liguria and do agents have an obligation to tell you about it?
Thanks, Will


This seems odd to me and would only make sense if you were entering into a contratto multi proprietario – in other words something akin to a timeshare property.

If you are buying the property as the sole owner, you are entitled to use it when you like and as often as you like.

I would ask this agent to spell out exactly what the situation is as far as this property is concerned. If you don’t get any clear answers to your questions then find yourself another agent.

it seemed very odd to me too, what would be the benefit of having someone NOT live in the house, I can understand not wanting people to rent it out, but to only be able to go for short periods of time just seems wrong... I'll talk to them again and have them walk me through it, see if i havent got my wires crossed somewhere (although i did go over this 4/5 times with them as i kept assuming id misunderstood).
Anyway, thanks very much for your help,