1407 English Teaching Training

I have just starting training with a new school near where I live. The job sound ideal in that is only mornings. Its perfect because I can be there to pick up my kids from school at lunch and spend the afternoon with them and do homework etc with them. HOWEVER, I am finding the training hard going and am starting to wonder what on earth I am doind. My brain aches and its only day 2, I have another 3 days to go. Right now I am supposed to be reviewing my lessons and preparing for another day of training. The tought of it makes my head hurt, I want to sit in front of the TV and numb into silence. No such joy, moan over I suppose....

General chat about Italy

[QUOTE=Kirstin]I have just starting training with a new school near where I live. The job sound ideal in that is only mornings. Its perfect because I can be there to pick up my kids from school at lunch and spend the afternoon with them and do homework etc with them. HOWEVER, I am finding the training hard going and am starting to wonder what on earth I am doind. My brain aches and its only day 2, I have another 3 days to go. Right now I am supposed to be reviewing my lessons and preparing for another day of training. The tought of it makes my head hurt, I want to sit in front of the TV and numb into silence. No such joy, moan over I suppose....[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, Kirstin, but, just think in a few months, you can be enjoying the moulding of young minds, arousing their interest in the English language, and making it easier for cretins like me to get by with minimal Italian ;) I for one think you are a saint :D

Thanks for making me laugh. Ring now I'm thinking of moulding my pillow and thats about it.

[QUOTE=Kirstin]Thanks for making me laugh. Ring now I'm thinking of moulding my pillow and thats about it.[/QUOTE]
We aim to please M' dear, but, seriously, after many years of working in a variety of different jobs, I started lecturing to Adults (some misguided ?? people say I haven't stopped :o ). Once I became involved in training i found it probably the most rewarding job I ever had, loved it... (Mind you, I was training people to be Shop Stewards and Safety Representatives ;) )

I've worked with children for the last seven years (full time) and part time all my adult life. I have always liked teaching but have never done it in such a formal way. I think that is what I am finding so difficult to adjust to. Anyway only 3 more days to go and maybe they won't want me....if they do I'm sure the real thing will be different to the practice.

What do you lecture?

[QUOTE=Kirstin]I've worked with children for the last seven years (full time) and part time all my adult life. I have always liked teaching but have never done it in such a formal way. I think that is what I am finding so difficult to adjust to. Anyway only 3 more days to go and maybe they won't want me....if they do I'm sure the real thing will be different to the practice.

What do you lecture?[/QUOTE]

Have retired but, used to cover Employment Law and Health and Safety Law as specialist subjects, in addition to skills training for Negotiating techniques, interviewing and basic time and motion study, all related to the task of being a shop steward or staff rep.

hello kirsten.starting anything new over the age of about 25 is daunting.i trained for 7 years when i was young and breezed through it but now i am older taking a six month course taxes my brain.the first few days or weeks are always the worst,soon you will adjust and before you know it you will feel fine about it.you have years of experience helping children so you already have the most important skills for your new job,you only need to learn the less important stuff now.remember that when it seems difficult.good luck

Thank you everybody for your support. only half way through book one and I need asprin and sleep (and a pillow to mould). I suppose I am finding a bit harder because my husband has had to go back to England for the week so I am running a house (without a washing machine, it keeps packing in), looking after a puppy who keeps weeing everywhere and trying to be a good mum to my kids. Homework in Italian when your Italian is limited is very very hard and takes a long time.

Kirstin, you will do a great job training. Maybe a glass of wine will help more than the aspirins, I always feel like it does :)

Peggy ;)

Hi Kirsten...had to chuckle...sorry...could just picture you at a desk piled high with books...kids running riot...puppy peeing...dripping washing hanging all over the house ....and a caption...'Welcome to La Dolce Vita ' !!!!! :D

It will get better......honest !!!!

Was up at 5am this morning...freezing !!! Getting the winter quilts out tonight.....and that central heating is going on !!!!

This is so typical...got upteen guests due over in the next month or so ......can see us all huddled round the radiators !!! Think most of them were expecting to go to the beach......Ha !!! :eek:

Pick a phrase to use, "Be clean", "empty", something like that, every time the puppy has anything to eat or drink, dive outside with her, wait till she's just about ready to do the deed, then softly use the phrase, every time she performs outside, praise lavishly, sometimes give a treat, don't be too hard on her if she goes indoors, just tut and get on with it... If everyone sticks to this system it will take around 3 days to train. I realise it will be difficult, but a little perseverance now will free up time later... ;)

Thank you all with your words of encouragement. Alex/Lynn your picture isn't too far from the truth and NOW the dogs/children can't go outside becausethe rain has been so bad over the last month the Commune have had to come to make new ditches for the water so I have 2 huge trucks outside the door digging like mad. Last night I went to bed and that made everything better for the morning.

Thank you Greorge for the tip re weeing dog. He's great during the day, it only at night and when we go out we have the problem. But as the Italian's say piano piano.

teaching can give you great satisfactions but it can be very hard when you deal with children. When i did my certificate of education i was at the university as well as at school, many many times i thought i was going to give up. in fact i hated it, i couldn't cope with the stress! but now i am glad i've made it. it's a great satisfaction. don't give up.

An update to all. Today it seems to have clicked and got easier for me, in fact I got some praise today which made me feel better. Further tomorrow is the last and my husband comes home on Wednesday so the dogs wont be a problem as when I start for real my children will be at school, my husband will be walking the dogs before he starts work. I therefore won't have world war 111 when I finish work to deal. The washing machine still doesn't work but I don't care. I've handwashed the things I needed.

Thank you all for the much needed gee up and support.

George thank you for your puppy training advice, you sound very knowledgeable about dogs.