1458 Visitors and Health care ?

We are due for quite a few visitors over the next few months and some are quite elderly.

They have annual travel insurance which covers them for here ,

What do I do and where do I go if we need medical help ??

We are now registered under the Italian State system but obviously they will be able to get private care.
I know when we used to travel a lot and had insurance, in Spain for example, there are private clinics all over the place.

Does anyone know the procedure around San Vito dei Normanni please ?...forwarned is forearmed !!!!

Health & Safety

They MUST come armed with an E111 or one of the new European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC). The E111 are being phased out
and are soon to be replaced with the EHIC, your visitors can get the necessary forms from any main Post Office or online at [url]www.dh.gov.uk/travellers[/url]
With the EHIC /E111 they will be entitled to recieve free emergency medical treatment and can attend any Pronto Soccorso or Dr working under the state health system, they would not have to go privately. If they go privately they will have to pay the bills there and then, keep all recepits and then claim on their return to the UK - much more complicated than getting it all for free and no having to phone for appointments etc. However, travel health insurance is still a must in case something awful happens and they need to be repatriated, such costs are not covered by EHIC, only the emergency treatment is covered. Some travel health insurance policies are invalid if you do not have an E111/EHIC.
If they have any ongoing medical condition there is another form they will need, I think it is E112, check on the website given but it may now also be covered by the EHIC. If they have a flare up of this condition assuming they have this form, they will have automatic cover whilst in Italy, and will again be able to recieve treatment at the local hospital without going privately. Some travel health insurance policies do NOT cover you if you do have a pre-existing condition such as asthma,cancer and they would need to check their individual policy.
Hopefully you will not need any of the above, but as you say, forewarned is forearmed!
Good luck

So sorry, just trying to help. Perhaps it is simply just not worth the effort!!!?
However my post maybe of help to others.

Hi Anne2,

Yes, your post is VERY helpful.
And I'm sure that Alex & Lyn think so too and appreciate your time and trouble.
Interestingly, my husband's main concern about moving full time to Italy is the healthcare aspect. He doesn't have any issues at the moment but is concerned about what 'might' become important in the future.
(Shall have to find a crystal ball for future use maybe ;) )

So for us in the immediate future (when we are at our Italian casa in coming months for instance) we would be in Italy with our spanking new E111 plastic cards and will also have the benefit of 'paid for travel insurance' but in an emergency I would imagine we would head straight for the nearest Pronto Soccorso.

Another worry (if I let myself think about it) is knowing how to ask an ambulance (or a fire engine or the police for that matter) to find us as we have no address other than a Contrada to quote.

Thanks for your input.
Lesley & Brian

..didn't mean to upset you ...was only trying to explain my query.

Frankly I just wish they'd come with their E111...i know where i am with them !!!!

And any info for everyone about the healthcare is invaluable....i wouldn't have known what to do without the Forum, so I'm sure a lot of people will be helped by you response.

I think yesterday was probably one of those overly sensitve type days!

If your visitors insist upon going privately have a look in the yellow pages, [url]www.paginegialle.it[/url] under 'Case di Cura Privata', if you have one local to you it will be listed however may not offer A&E type facilities. Do not be surprised if there is not one, our nearest is well over an hour away so not much use in an emergency. All Drs offering private consultations are listed under their medical speciality 'Medici.......' you need to phone and arrange an appointment but as their surgery hours tend to be rather limited again it is of little use in an emergency. Ask neighbours as to which particular specialist they would reccomend for any particular problem. If any tests are required they often have to be done elsewhere so there can be a degree of trailing around. Private clinics offering full A&E services as found elsewhere in Europe tend not to exist here in Italy, everyone just heads straight for the nearest state casualty department. If you call an emergency ambulance they will automatically take you to the nearest Pronto Soccorso - this is not open to discussion. If appropriate you can later be transferred to a private hospital, if there is one.

Having worked in the public and private health system in the UK and in the state system here, and having had a child admitted to intensive care in Rome, there is little difference betwen them (unless you are currently in Sicily, but that's another story). In the UK more emphasis is placed upon the surroundings, in Italy the staffing levels are generally far higher and the Drs far more involed in the patient care, there is also less pressure to discharge patients asap. However, relatives are also expected to be far more involved in the day to day care of any inpatient.

Having had to call for an emergency ambulance myself when we lived in Rome I can fully understand your concerns Lesley. As you do not have a specific address it is worthwhile writing in Italian on a piece of paper all the directions and any local landmarks that would guide the emergency services to you and making sure they take your phone number. Do not assume there will be an English speaking operator. Keep this by the phone, in such a situation it is very hard to think straight in English let alone in Italian! I hung up and then realised I had not told the operator our flat number so had to phone back - not what you need!

Anyway, hope no-one ever needs any of this.

..brilliant info ...a real help.

I think reading what you say, if I have any problems ( and of course we hope we don't...just didn't want to panic if anything did happen !) I will either talk to my own doctor here who is great ,or get them to A & E and take it from there.....

I'll make sure they get their E111 as well...although some of them keep banging on about 'I don't need it 'cos I've got insurance !!!! ' :rolleyes: ...wish they would just listen to one who lives here !!!!!!

Thanks again. :)

appears that this forum may be for EU only. thought i might pick up some info about what an american has to do if sick or hospitalized in italy?

Welcome to the forum.
I think you will find that there are a few US citizens on this forum with or without property in Italy including the lovely, awesome SWEETPEG ;)
I don't know about US health arrangements but I am sure you will find a lot of useful information on this site.



Another worry (if I let myself think about it) is knowing how to ask an ambulance (or a fire engine or the police for that matter) to find us as we have no address other than a Contrada to quote.


When I was in Calabria I was told that people don't always wait for the ambulance service to come to them as it may take too long to get to the further out country areas. Basically they jump in the car, turn on the hazards, try and flash the lights and beep the horn continually and everybody gets out the way cos they realise you're heading to the hospital. A kind of DIY ambulance if you like! I did see this once but it was in the city centre and I have a sneaky suspicion he was just trying to get through the traffic :rolleyes:

[QUOTE=rexgolf]appears that this forum may be for EU only. thought i might pick up some info about what an american has to do if sick or hospitalized in italy?[/QUOTE]

Rex, Cristina's site, expatsinitaly has extensive information for American citizens this site isn't exclusive to EU members, it's for all lovers of things Italian, but, many of us are Brits...

Lesley, direct them from the nearest Church

[QUOTE=GeorgeS]Lesley, direct them from the nearest Church[/QUOTE]

Ah - nice one George!
There's one near the end of our road :)

And Nicola, DIY ambulance would probably be my course of action - assuming I can get the patient into the car of course.........


[QUOTE=rexgolf]appears that this forum may be for EU only. thought i might pick up some info about what an american has to do if sick or hospitalized in italy?[/QUOTE]
Sorry, I was not deliberately trying to exclude Americans, but I do not know what reciprocal system exists for them. If an American citizen has Italian residency I do not think it is an issue as they can recieve treatment as for an Italian. For tourists, I simply do not know.

You are quite right re the DIY ambulance - I have also seen it in operation with a passenger waving a white handkerchief in addition to the hazard lights flashing and a blaring horn. In cities a convey soon develops behind as everyone else sees a 'quick' way through the traffic by following in the wake of the 'ambulance'. However, DIY is sadly not always a feasible option.


[QUOTE=rexgolf]appears that this forum may be for EU only. thought i might pick up some info about what an american has to do if sick or hospitalized in italy?[/QUOTE]

Hello rexgolf,

If you're a member of a union you can contact them and let them know what you're planning on doing and find out what arrangements they pay for with your pension. Before collecting Social Security you can contact them directly and set up an appointment with someone in their office who can answer all your questions about living overseas. You can PM Cristina (who is an American
from San Francisco, lives in Siena with her Italian husband and children, and who has a website with excellent specific information) on this site and ask her this question, and she will help you.

Hope this helps,
John & Dee from California

[QUOTE=rexgolf]do you have website address for cristina?[/QUOTE]

Try this:


Regards, Lesley