2451 Only You?


Can anyone help with this query from a reader?

"I have a video of a particularly soppy romantic film - Only You - starring Robert Downey Jr and Marisa Tomei ..... and the Italian locations are WONDERFUL.

I am having trouble finding the names of the hotel 'they' stayed in ... one appeared to be in Rome - with a courtyard and olde-worlde feel, while the other was more modern and was supposed to be in Positano.

Can you help?"


General chat about Italy

[quote=Fiona Tankard]Hi

Can anyone help with this query from a reader?

"I have a video of a particularly soppy romantic film - Only You - starring Robert Downey Jr and Marisa Tomei ..... and the Italian locations are WONDERFUL.

I am having trouble finding the names of the hotel 'they' stayed in ... one appeared to be in Rome - with a courtyard and olde-worlde feel, while the other was more modern and was supposed to be in Positano.

Can you help?"


Aliena's correct on the Positano hotel but, unfortunately, the Rome hotel doesn't exist. See below..

[I][B]"Only You[/B]- (1994) Marisa Tormei and Robert Downey, Jr., in an improbable plot that has the former chasing the latter, whom she has never met, across lovely Italy. Sort of Sleepless in Italy, she learns a name of her alleged soulmate (Damon) from a ouija board and then from a fortune teller in her youth, and on the eve of her wedding, someone by that name phones to wish the groom well. Already having second thoughts, she and a friend hop the next plane to Venice (not having time to change out of her wedding gown), going immediately to the Hotel Danieli (which it is duly noted is "A Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" establishment). But guess what, he's already checked out, for Rome. So off they go, driving through Tuscany, and somehow finding him there, where the fated duo spend time exploring the magnificence of that city. But wait, he admits that he isn't really "Damon," and then he later claims to have found the person bearing this name-- in Positano (at the pool of the Hotel Le Sirenuse, no less!). There are two or three shots that are positively breathtaking, even if you feel confident that the lab helped out some. Lightweight but scenic. [/I][I]P.S. The Pensione Divino Amore in Rome is a figment of imaginative Hollywood trickery-- the exteriors were shot outside the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization near Piazza Venezia; the interiors were on a soundstage. So you'll never find that hotel. "[/I]


Off the subject entirely but how come Aliena has become a Plebian? Is this some form of Forum Reincarnation? Do we go around and around until we reach the true meaning of life? or in the words of David Icke do we meet the Godhead!!:D

last time I was in Rome, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) was nowhere near Piazza Venezia - Circo Massimo yes - mind I haven't seen the film (or even heard of it) but heh - I want to now as any view of Rome confirms it's the best place in Italy to be

Wow... quite confusing to read. really, i mean going to and from the actual topic.... maybe its just because my eyes hurt, but you know.


You ruddy spoilsport! Now Fiona has only got half an answer from Aliena.. and knowing Ronald.. I'll only get half of the "Sirena" tag.

Oh well.. I guess I'll have to settle for "Sir".. at least that would confirm some of the recent suspicions for the dancing zanzara.. and maybe I can get the other half if Fiona is feeling generous.. or perhaps has another question! :D [/quote]

Serf Aliena,
I humbly apologise. However, I thought it my duty, as Senator, to try and answer the whole question. :D

Have discovered I am a praetor - yikes!

Thank you very much for the answers - I know the forum was the best place to ask!