2502 Chat Room

The Italy Magazine Forums now come with an Italy Magazine chat room which can be used for more immediate exchanges. Please try it out at: [url]http://www.italymagazine.com/forums/chat/flashchat.php[/url] You must be logged in to the forums to access the chatroom. Please let me know how it goes. You can see who else is in the chatroom by going to: [url]http://www.italymagazine.com/forums[/url] and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Under the "What going on Panel" there is a list of "Members using FlashChat". Finally, in order for the chatroom to work you need Macromedia Flash (which most computers have already). If you do not have this software your browser will notify you and ask you if you want to install it. Enjoy! Ronald

General chat about Italy

[LEFT]Loads of smileys in there. :D
It's a bit clever it knows my name and I haven't even logged in. :confused: [/LEFT]

[LEFT]Love the one bashing it's head on the floor, bit like being on here! :D
Oyh, shove over let me get to that coffee! :( [/LEFT]

That was scarey, I've never been in a chatroom before so was not sure what to expect, panicked in case people thought I was ignoring them, had a look at all the knobs and dials then came out checked who was in there. noone.. so I was in the chatroom all alone, at least I didn't offend anybody but not much fun on my own!!:)

same here, chatroom deserted.
Don't know if this site is busy enough for a chat room.
Other Forums I am a member of with vastly greater numbers/posts use msn links.
Still worth a go as I'd like to see it work

Give it a chance to develop, I'm sure it will find its on level, and be quite well used at times.

Like I told Aliena before, Ronald's Chatroom will be better, more powerful, and by George it is!

Also, my temporary chatroom is closed, as of right now. Thanks to all who visited.

Thank you for remembering. What happened with all your previous posts? It only shows 4 posts for you, and a join date of Sept. 2005. I do not understand.

I am desperately trying to contact an Italian friend of mine who i met in England, however i have lost their details. I belive my friend may work in a furniture store in Perugia which i think is called 'Fantasy', but im not sure of any of these details. If anyone can offer any advice or help it would be greatly appreciated!!!

[QUOTE=Tom.S]I am desperately trying to contact an Italian friend of mine who i met in England, however i have lost their details. I belive my friend may work in a furniture store in Perugia which i think is called 'Fantasy', but im not sure of any of these details. If anyone can offer any advice or help it would be greatly appreciated!!![/QUOTE]

Was it a furniture shop called 'Fantasy' or a shop called "[url=http://www.fantasyforniturealberghiere.com/]Fantasy Forniture[/url]" in Perugia :D

(is your friend's name any of: orlando, tina, francesco or sara ?)

The name of my friend is Elisabetta, but Orlando sounds familiar, like it may have been her fathers name. Thank you for the shop name, I will check that out...