2523 Sabina mountains

Hi, Just new to this site. Great to see it. I am Irish with a house in the Sabina (lakeside)--wonderful. we spend about six months there. I have not come across any English speakers as yet. Is there anyone there nearby?

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Welcome to the forum Philippa, good to have you on board.

Hello Philipa, I know there are several Irish and Brits in the Casperia area. Check the website of Maureen who has a lovely B&B there . There's a link to it from my Itineraries page..right now I dont recall the url. Find the article entitled the Royal Cardinal's Route. Lots of Dutch instead in the town of Collevecchio. What town are you in/near?

many years ago I visited an (almost deserted)Etrurian burial site about an hour North of Rome. I met someone recently who described what sounded almost like a theme park (without the rides) all based around the history of the Etruscans and very vivid for kids - has the old place had a make-over/have you come across the place.

Thanks guys. Hope to be out again after Easter. Will check out that website. I actually was in Casperia last year.
Our house is by Lago del Turano --nearest village is Colle di Tora and nearest big town is Rieti.
Cant think where the "theme" place is unless Tivoli--Villa D'Este or Hadrian's Villa perhaps. I know kids love those places. If it's not there and you find out lwhere -- let ME know!!

certainly not those places Phillipa - know them really well - we must keep this thread alive until someone more local comes up with ideas

Try looking on the excellent website [url]www.elegantetruria.com[/url]
You might find the places you are looking for mentioned on this comprehensive and very interesting website.

an excellent website David and Linda - have been to most of the places it mentions and couldn't have put it better myself. Ended up on the Cervetri site - it's where we went years ago. It was totally overgrown, no-one around - I don't think there was even an entrance fee and to be honest I was spooked about entering the burial chambers as I felt I was one of the few privileged to do so. It now looks more accessible and I noticed school parties are taken there so it was probably this site which my acquaintance mentioned. Will definitely take the horde there next time we're over.