2572 Maps of Le Marche

I'm looking for as detailed a map as possible of Le Marche. Ideally showing any footpaths/bridelways on it as well.
I have not had much fortune yet, but I am hoping some of the forum members will be able to point me in the right direction.


Travel & Holiday Advice

[URL="https://www.trektools.com/home.php"]https://www.trektools.com/home.php[/URL] ciao simon and jo try the link or try googling touring club italia they have good detailed maps good luck ciao marco
[quote=simonandjo]I'm looking for as detailed a map as possible of Le Marche. Ideally showing any footpaths/bridelways on it as well.
I have not had much fortune yet, but I am hoping some of the forum members will be able to point me in the right direction.


I bought some extremely detailed ones from the SMA Auchan supermarket, each Region has it's own map pretty detailed and only around 6 euro, of course, my boy took them home with him last visit :confused: so, cant give you the name, they're in plastic envelope holder though, folded to A5 size.

[QUOTE=GeorgeS]I bought some extremely detailed ones from the SMA Auchan supermarket, each Region has it's own map pretty detailed and only around 6 euro, of course, my boy took them home with him last visit :confused: so, cant give you the name, they're in plastic envelope holder though, folded to A5 size.[/QUOTE]

Could be one of the 'Kompass' walking maps [German company]
