Went to the ASL in San Ben

HelenMW Image
07/19/2009 - 03:24

Was a bit worried as we hadn't renewed our health cover in January. had been told last month (when I went to the wrong section) that we would only get a year's cover as we're not Italian. Handed over my old card (hubby has lost his), my husband's CUD, evidence of my PIVA and he gave us the papers back with 2 years cover!I also asked him about getting permanent cover next year as we'll have been here 5 years and he said we have to be citizens. I told him that we didn't etc etc (with husband cringeing in the background like he did when I told the Carabinieri that my licence wsa legal!) and he said- oh yes, that's right. Think when I go to sort that one out I'll take a copy of the law with me. 



Thanks for the info Helen. It does seem to be a problem we are having that is specific to the ASL in Ascoli Piceno. Another member in Macerata has also received their permanent registration with the health service. I now can't seem to raise the director of Ascoli whom I spoke to before. Avoiding me perhaps???

have been offline so have just seen your reply Penny. Do you think providing them with evidence of other people in other areas being able to get what you've been denied would help, or do you think they would then decide to tell all the other ASL's to start being difficult?!

I'm afraid the director's answer is that Ascoli have a deroga (extra piece of law) as I understand it which makes them different. I am trying to get hold of it as Charlotte Oliver kindly said she would take a look for me. As ever, it is not proving easy and we are now in August.....