2760 Income Tax


Does anyone know of any professional advisors that can give guidance on personal tax issues when moving to Italy? I am self employed and am intending to move to Italy where I keep my UK clients, will I have to pay income tax in Italy or the UK?

Please Help!!!

Kind Regards



Hello Dan

Moved your post to the Legal thread. :)

If you want to do a search for income tax threads (option on taskbar above), then you'll find many previous posts on income tax and your options.

Otherwise, I'm sure our legal helpers are happy to advise you.


Hi Dan,

You can try the following website [url]www.bizweb.it/sir/home[/url]

It is run by my wife and she can give you some free advice about the implications for your clients and where you willhave to pay the dreaded taxes.



You need a professional to help you deal with this.

Tax effectiveness is paramount; there is room for manoruvere. It depends what you do and where you do. By the way your UK clients should not be affected.

What do you do? There could be VAT/P.IVA implications if you provide services. Are you clients businesses in the UK or private clients?

Do you have a private pension in the UK; this can impact on your NI/INPS contributions?

Will you keep an office in the UK?

As you can see there are a whole series of questions before we can get to a tax effective solution; but get there we can.

Drop me a line by all means.