3089 Address for sending utility bills

Will utility companies, if you ask them, send bills to you in England/Scotland etc or do they insist on sending them to you in Italy?
And can banks be persuaded to send statements to you in England also?

Cost of living - Utility Services

Banks will usually send statements to a non Italian address, and will also almost certainly have an on-line facility for checking the account from anywhere.
ENEL (electricity), Telecom, and Italgas all have good websites where you can choose to view your account on line. Telecom will send bills via e-mail (and perhaps also Enel and Gas will do this, don't know).
You can set up direct debits for Enel, Telecom and gas from a credit card, or from the Italian bank. (Don't know if you can do this from a UK account.)
Water and rubbish tax accounts are more of a hassle - you will probably have to find a neighbour to field these for you!

ENEL send our bills to UK although we also get these on line. Haven't had any success with Banca Poste still send account details to our estate agent but hope to get on line with them next trip to Italy.

mmmmm...banca posta is very good, and getting "internetised", but it is really a facility geared to serving the local community through the local post office, and I'm not sure their "corporate mentality" could cope with sending statements out of Italy!!
Good luck though - perhaps nobody has ever asked them to do this - and it might be "but one click of the mouse" to make it happen!!

thanks for the info Jane & Relaxed

All our utility bills are sent to UK,as are bank statements, but take so long we always paid penalties but have now set up direct debits from our italian bank to pay them, you do this by instructing the bank, not the supplier as in UK.

[QUOTE=Relaxed]mmmmm...banca posta is very good, and getting "internetised", but it is really a facility geared to serving the local community through the local post office, and I'm not sure their "corporate mentality" could cope with sending statements out of Italy!!
Good luck though - perhaps nobody has ever asked them to do this - and it might be "but one click of the mouse" to make it happen!![/QUOTE]

I'm Italian leaving abroad and I have the same problems you have. I can assure you that BancoPosta (banking service offered by the Italian Postal Service) can send bills abroad; they just need an address no matter where it is from. You can fill in some forms at the bank (or if you know anyone there a fax is enough) and have all facilities paid by the bank on time and you can get your bills comfortably at your own place. You need a bank account at BancoPosta of course.

The same service is offered by any other bank, though BancoPosta is a little cheaper.
You can pay all this way (ENEL, Telecom, ITALGAS, Autostrade and so on)

Thank you Sergio I will ask for my letters to be sent home, I did ask initially but was told only to an Italian address - but I'l give it another go.

If they told you that it is because they don't want to pay extra fee for international shipment. In that case ask to send whole correspondence by email.
I don't know if Banco Posta has such a service, my bank (SanPaolo IMI) has it; it's just about a subscription to the internet banking service that I can assure you any "normal" Italian bank offer.

I do not have anymore an account at Banco Posta. But my brother received stadard mail in France from them.