In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
[quote=Relaxed]Although I appreciate that you are warning (and quite reasonably) about the limitations of the responsibilities of a notaio, in this case which you are quoting the transaction under discussion is a "scrittura privata", which, (please help here, notaio!) is not the same thing as an "atto di compravendita". The Court clearly held that the notaio had lesser obligations in the case of the scrittura privata.
I think it is highly unlikely that a foreign purchaser would enter into a "scrittura privata", so although your comments are useful, I think they are a little unnecessarily alarmist![/quote]
Sorry Relaxed but I beg to differ. You seem to be making assumptions. The scrittura privata is still used in many property transactions and I know of one Notaio in particular who likes to use them in preference to the atto pubblico. Both are in fact used for completing the purchase and apart from the fact that the scrittura costs less, the main distinction between the two instruments lies in subtle, yet fundamental differences in their probatory capacity.
There is nothing alarmist about my comments. They are based on fact and demonstrate that nothing is sacrosanct. The Notaio in question had limited her liability by using an exclusion clause and not because of the scrittura privata.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Yes - but if the notaio had put such an exclusion clause into an atto which would have to be registered, I would have thought that the registrar would have looked a bit askance?
I must admit I am surprised that the scrittura privata is being used as widely as you suggest, for property transactions.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Charles the decision you quoted states a general principle of responsability for the notary, even if his activity is related to a "scrittura privata autenticata", in other words there's a [B]presumption of responsability[/B]
unless there is an express agreement by the parties to dispense him/her from undertaking visure ipotecarie.
Since there's a general principle, it's the notary that must prove the parties' dispense and this can be justified only for specific reasons: i.e. haste.
This exceptions states an obvious principle: nobody can be considered responsable for not having done an activity that nobody has requested.
Here's the "massima" from Cassazione:
Rientra tra gli obblighi del notaio, che sia richiesto della stipulazione di un contratto di compravendita immobiliare (nella specie, scrittura privata autenticata), lo svolgimento delle attività accessorie e successive necessarie per il conseguimento del risultato voluto dalle parti ed, in particolare, il compimento delle cosiddette "visure" catastali e ipotecarie allo scopo di individuare esattamente il bene e verificarne la libertà, salvo [B]espresso esonero del notaio da tale attività per concorde volontà delle parti, dettata da motivi di urgenza o da altre ragioni[/B].
Sez. II, sent. n. 547 del 18-01-2002, Salcone c. Pedone (rv
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
I find this quite surprising given the ease with which the notary can consult the land or mortgage registry using the SISTER application to see if there are any formalities entered against a specific property.
Without knowing the details of the case, I think the buyer was ignorant/naive and the insertion of an exclusion clause should have also been accompanied by a note explicitly highlighting the potential risks. In fact the services of a lawyer would have been more appropriate.
To my mind, such a ruling would make more sense for embedded burdens/encumbrances that are not clearly registered thus requiring a more in-depth search using both technical and legal competencies. One example that springs to mind are the unpaid green taxes for deruralising farmhouses.
A similar example would be that of pre-emption rights where the vendor states that nobody is interested in the land and declares accordingly. Should the notary ask for a copy of the registered letters as evidence or simply warn the buyer of the consequences?
BTW the use of scrittura privata autenticata is quite common in Tuscany for completions.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
[quote=Relaxed]Although I appreciate that you are warning (and quite reasonably) about the limitations of the responsibilities of a notaio, in this case which you are quoting the transaction under discussion is a "scrittura privata", which, (please help here, notaio!) is not the same thing as an "atto di compravendita". The Court clearly held that the notaio had lesser obligations in the case of the scrittura privata.
I think it is highly unlikely that a foreign purchaser would enter into a "scrittura privata", so although your comments are useful, I think they are a little unnecessarily alarmist!
To avoid confusion, above I am referring to a scrittura privata [B]to complete the sale,[/B] which is the situation referred to in Charles' post - and NOT to the compromesso, which is also commonly referred to as a scrittura privata.[/quote]
Our agent insisted we purchased with a scrittura privata and when we insisted that it had to be an Atto, the agent tried to tell us that this was an old law not used anymore! Believe me there are many sales that go through scrittura privata because so many buyers don't even realise there are two different ways it can be done.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
[FONT=Arial]It is always a matter of [/FONT][FONT=Arial][I]salvo espressa dispensa per concorde volontà delle parti[/I] of course, but these things do happen. The use of exclusion clauses are not uncommon and people need to be aware. No system is completely faultless. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]The point here is that complication and confusion are the smokescreens of Italian life. The claimants in this case were perhaps a little ignorant and I can't figure out how they let such a thing happen because the v[/FONT][FONT=Arial]endor must provide following guarantees:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]a) [/FONT][FONT=Arial]guarantees against eviction (to protect buyers from loss, in whole or in part, of their right of ownership because of third party claims against the property)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]b) [/FONT][FONT=Arial]guarantees against defects, which may render the property unfit for use (article 1490 Italian Civil Code) and reduce its value in a significant way. This guarantee cannot be claimed if the buyer was made aware of any defects, or if such defects were easily identifiable. The vendor is, however, excluded from limited duty of disclosure where he/she acts in bad faith and fails to disclose any defects.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]c)[/FONT][FONT=Arial] guarantees against the failure to provide what is otherwise considered to be an essential characteristic of the property being promised for sale (article 1497 Italian Civil Code refers). The buyer has the right to rescind the contract for non-performance according to article 1453 of the Italian Civil Code, providing that the absence of such characteristics adversely affects the property.[/FONT]
Although I appreciate that you are warning (and quite reasonably) about the limitations of the responsibilities of a notaio, in this case which you are quoting the transaction under discussion is a "scrittura privata", which, (please help here, notaio!) is not the same thing as an "atto di compravendita". The Court clearly held that the notaio had lesser obligations in the case of the scrittura privata.
I think it is highly unlikely that a foreign purchaser would enter into a "scrittura privata", so although your comments are useful, I think they are a little unnecessarily alarmist!
To avoid confusion, above I am referring to a scrittura privata [B]to complete the sale,[/B] which is the situation referred to in Charles' post - and NOT to the compromesso, which is also commonly referred to as a scrittura privata.