3216 Italian market for motorhomes

We are now in the position of looking for a motorhome to travel around in - does anyone know what the market in Italy is like for selling them on? We want one for about 6 months and then more than likely selling it on, we know the market over here is quite good and they keep their price well, just curious about over there.

Also whether we buy a left hand drive one or a right hand drive one, if the market is not particularly good for selling on over their we might be better off sticking with a right hand drive and bringing it back to sell.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



General chat about Italy

thought about buying one whilst you are over there? the reason i ask,is most
of the big body builders are based in italy, therefore i assume you are just as
likely to get one cheaper there.....

Contact Deepcar Motor Homes in Sheffield, if you talk to the guy nicely, you could do a deal with him to buy one now and return it in six /nine months for an almost guaranteed price, he mainly sells Hymer's and most are left hand drive. [url]http://www.dmiuk.com/[/url]

Hi George, completely irrelevant to the thread but congratulations on your career move. An Optician no less!

LOL, always happy to help people to SEE a little better ;) ;) :cool: