3313 buongiorno tutti

Hello everyone :)

My name is Lei but I adopted the name Fiorella as my given name (Hawaiian) obviously caused confusion in my Italian classes. I have been studying Italian here in Los Angeles and in Italy. I have spent a lot of time in a very small town called Ausonia. This past December I was in Rome to study at a language school. Learning Italian and traveling in Italy has been the best experience of my life!

I have the most wonderful Italian teacher and love the language so much. We opened a foreign language school on the Palos Verdes Peninsula (academyofforeignlanguages@adelphia.net). Our public school system doesn't offer a foreign language until middle school (disgraceful). My daughter has been learning Italian since she was 6. I wish I had known better and had started her even younger. One of my goals is to make people aware of how the world is shrinking and that learning a second and third language (and the culture) is a necessity for our children.

Ciao to all!

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Ciao Fiorella e benvenuta al forum.

I agree absolutely with you that children should learn a second language, since it can give them an appreciation of the culture of the particular country, be it Italy, Spain, wherever. Unfortunately, there is this rather stupid argument that because so many foreigners can speak English, why should we bother learning their language? It is an appalling attitude - one that reeks of Little Britain I'm afraid.

I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn Italian - it was our favourite holiday destination and in learning the language I have come to have a greater appreciation of what Italy has to offer. Of course it has its dark side, but one can acknowledge that and then ignore it!

I wish you well in your adventure with the language school; I'm with you all the way. I just wish that 40-odd years ago learning languages was as fun as it is now.

In bocca al lupo

Hello Fiorella

I understand 'Lei' would be a problem in Italian classes!! Ti do tu!

It is certainly a wonderful thing for children (as young as possible) to learn a new language - and don't they pick it up frighteningly quickly! But, I think your daughter is probably already ahead of the game if she has English as her first language........sad, in a way, but becoming truer by the day in our global village.

Dear Peter Head and Relaxed,

Thank you so much for your replies. Now, if we can slowly change the arrogant attitude of Americans (of which I was once a member) and Brits(?). International travel and dealing with international corporations has opened my eyes to the realities of our shrinking world. Yes, a lot of foreigners can speak English. Therefore, they are the ones who have the advantage in business and negotiation! Not us....

Grazie mille,

Mmmm - not so sure about that assumption that only US and Brits are arrogant! Well, lots of them are, (and don't you just cringe when SHOUTING in EnglishUS/UK is expected to be comprehended!!) but some Italians can make arrogance an art form........ :)