3678 Blogging Italy

[LEFT]Blogging is THE trendiest thing to do on the web. There are millions of bloggers blogging about everything from the birth of their child to their fussy boss.[/LEFT] Some of the more enlightened amongst these bloggers actually blog about Italy. If you would like to know what they have to say on the matter Italy Magazine is aggregating the stories from all these bloggers on [URL="http://www.italymagazine.com/blogging-italy/"]http://www.italymagazine.com/blogging-italy/[/URL] Clicking on the story will lead straight to their site. If you have a blog about Italy then let us know and we will add it to our feeds. A great way to let the world know about your blog!

General chat about Italy

I'd love to hear about Widow-Andy-Twanky-S' attempts to be environmentaly friendly......if he's got a blog, that is(!)

I've been reading one of these blogs for a couple of months now.

"My life Italian" by Tracie B.. she is from Texas and has an American take on some things.. but you can just tell she is having the time of her life since she started living in Naples.

I can highly recommend this blog. :D