3680 Seafood pasta recipe please

I fancy a little pasta for dinner, and would like seafood (maybe calamari). :)

Any ideas?

Food & Drink

But Tinks, you had seafood pasta on the 20th of March, so how about some Fettuccine with smoked salmon sauce?

Olive oil and butter
2 or 3 large cloves of garlic
Fresh cream
Fresh dill
Smoked salmon
A few capers
A few cracked black peppercorns.

Melt butter into the olive oil over low heat. Add the garlic. Add the flour, stirring constantly to make a roux. Gradually stir in milk; cook, stirring constantly until thickened. Add the cheese and cream, keep cooking gently and stirring until the cheese melts. Stir in the dill and the salmon.

Place into a large bowl and pour the sauce over the pasta, top with black pepper and a couple of capers.

Sorry, I cant give measurements or amounts 'cus I don't cook that way. Use your eye, guesstimate everything and keep tasting and if you think the cheese doesn't go with this dish - leave it out.. or change the capers to black olives.

:D :D

Thanks Tazz, that sounds great. :) But not today, I don't have some of the ingredients.

I am going to stop at the fishmongers at London Bridge station on the way home, and hopefully he will have some calamari. I will probably cook it with tomato and maybe olives and/or capers. Would you recommend garlic?

I refuse to answer to the name "Tazz".

Garlic? Do you have a problem with Vampires?


Not Vampires, vamps :D

Do you know that they have, in Australia, a charming colloquialism "map of Tazzy". ;)

Tinks! You will get us both shot! :eek: :eek:

And I promise you I'll never desert you again because after 'Salome' we'll make another picture and another picture. You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!... All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up. ;)

Watch out for the Ben Hur character who has the knives on the chariot wheels..........and maybe you'd like a little vaseline on the lens...... :)