The Curious Traveler

by Silvia Donati |
It’s the spring show you don’t want to miss: the blooming of colorful flowers on the Piani di Castelluccio plain in Umbria, near Castelluccio di Norcia, taking…
by Laura Morelli |
The hilltop village of Caltagirone rises like a mirage above the parched landscape of central Sicily. Scrubby plants and olive trees eke out their existence in…
by Silvia Donati |
The wooden casing that covered the Holy Stairs in Rome for the past 300 years has been temporarily removed to allow for restoration and, until June 9, it will…
by elisascarton |
With its great beaches, relaxed country atmosphere and green spaces, Southern Tuscany is a fantastic holiday destination for families. So, pack up the kids,…
by Silvia Donati |
70 kilometers from Rome, perched on the slopes of the Simbruini Mountains, at an altitude of 1,000 meters, Cervara di Roma is known as the ‘artists’ village,’…
by Silvia Donati |
Castello is the largest of the six sestieri of Venice. Start at Campo Santa Maria Formosa, which takes its name from the Church of Santa Maria Formosa, with…
by Kristie Prada |
Lake Como has been attracting visitors for thousands of years but many completely overlook the serene City of Como on the South Western tip. Only one hour…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia greets the Spring season in Italy with some traditional events... Spring is officially here. After the Winter season has shuffled off for a few…
by Silvia Donati |
The lands that surround Catania and Mount Etna in Sicily have been farmed since the Neolithic; indeed, they’re home to the oldest agricultural civilization on…
by Silvia Donati |
Spring is the ideal season to visit the beautiful gardens of Italy. One to take note of, which is about to reopen for the season, is the Garden of Ninfa in…