New Guercino on view in Rome

| Tue, 07/15/2008 - 03:46

Fans of Italian Baroque painter Guercino will have a chance to see his latest authenticated work in Rome this week.

Guercino's Damon and Pythias (c.1654), a study of friendship embodied by the two ancient Siracusan philosophers, was long thought to be a copy by an inferior artist.

But new restoration work has enabled the work, part of the Rospigliosi Collection in the seat of the farm union Coldiretti, to be recognised as a true Guercino.

The painting will be on show at the Coldiretti HQ in central Rome from Tuesday until Saturday.

Guercino (1591-1666) was born Giovanni Francesco Barbieri. He was nicknamed Guercino because he was cross-eyed.
