Online kiddie porn ring busted

| Sat, 03/22/2008 - 04:10

Italian police have broken up an online child pornography ring that had ramifications all over the country.

Some 27 people in 21 cities were placed under investigation on suspicion of distributing kiddie porn over the Web.

Searches took place up and down the country, from Catania and Palermo in Sicily through Rome, Arezzo and Bologna in the centre to Milan, Verona, Venice and Bolzano in the north.

Here is a full list of the cities involved: Catania, Palermo, Messina, Mantua, Bolzano, Savona, Milano, Roma, Latina, Nuoro, Rimini, Lecce, Salerno, Venezia, Livorno, Arezzo, Pordenone, Bologna, Vercelli, Modena and Verona.
