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Spike Lee's new film about a Nazi massacre in Tuscany continued to stir controversy in Italy on Tuesday, after a village council decided to award the US…
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Trieste is promising visitors a voyage into its medieval past, with a new, wide-ranging exhibition looking at life in the Middle Ages. Today a melting pot of…
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A British bomb from World War II caused chaos in the southern city of Salerno on Tuesday, forcing thousands to leave their homes.Around 5,000 inhabitants have…
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Archaeologists on Thursday said they had uncovered a massive haul of animal bones and flint tools during a dig at a southern Italian site some claim to be the…
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A bid by Mussolini's grandson to get a judicial ruling on the execution of Il Duce in 1945 was rejected by Italy's highest appeals court on Thursday.The…
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Italian archaeologists think they've found the shrine where ancient Romans worshipped the mythical she-wolf that suckled their city's legendary founders…
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The ancient riddle of where the Etruscans came from has been solved, Italian scientists say.The Etruscans, who once dominated central Italy, were so different…
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