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Conditions at the overcrowded migrant centre on the southern Italian island of Lampedusa remain ''inhuman'', opposition Democratic Party (PD) deputy head Dario…
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Migrant facilities on the southern Italian island of Lampedusa were again strained to bursting point on Tuesday after more than 400 immigrants arrived by boat…
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Italy, Malta, Greece and Cyprus on Thursday asked the European Union for greater support to combat illegal immigration at an informal meeting of EU interior…
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The Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) on Wednesday slammed the government a proposal to make immigrants pay for the issue or renewal of permits to stay in the…
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A meeting of G8 interior and justice ministers will take place in May on Lampedusa, the tiny island off Sicily where thousands of illegal immigrants from…
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Italy will begin repatriating illegal immigrants who arrive by boat on the country's southernmost islands on Tuesday evening, Italian officials said.Police…
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Interior Minister Roberto Maroni on Monday promised tougher measures to deal with migrants entering Italy by sea, after hundreds landed on the small island of…
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Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on Friday slammed Italy for the ''terrifying living conditions'' of immigrants doing seasonal farm work in the south of the…
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The Italian government is ''determined'' to reduce the number of immigrants arriving in Italy, Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi said Thursday.Speaking a day…
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Italy needs to find its own path to integrate immigrants into society ''in a way which is both innovative and ahead of its time,'' House Speaker Gianfranco…
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