by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla Passino“In the niche market in which we operate—that for traditional farmhouses and townhouses, restored or for restoration, in attractive rural…
by Carla Passino |
Want to know how to buy a property in Italy in difficult times? Three experienced estate agents share their advice on how to choose and investment-proof…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoThe market is expected to cool down further in 2009, putting the market firmly in the hands of buyers who have funds immediately…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoAncient golden and ochre houses climb up a gentle slope towards a hilltop crowned by a medieval tower. All around them, the undulating…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoThis 14th century stone house, which stands sentinel over the beautiful countryside in the Appenine mountains, offers great value for…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoThe grand Villa Antares, in Vettica, near Amalfi, makes the most of the sea views with large sliding windows, terraces and lush…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoPrices went down by 2.2% in Rome and Milan, and by 1.7% in Turin in the first half of 2008 but prime homes in central Rome and Turin…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoOver the last few months, both estate agents and property intelligence companies have published a raft of market reports on Central Italy…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoOn a hilltop in San Severino, at the crossroads that linked the Adriatic sea with the Flaminia way in Roman times, a canopy of mature…
by Carla Passino |
Words by Carla PassinoFrom a protected islet to a bargain castle, many Italian heritage sites are up for sale on the international auctions giantA chunk of…
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