by Andrew Edwards |
It takes a while to really get to know someone; superficial appearances, smiles and everyday exchanges are sometimes all that’s needed to establish a simple…
by Silvia Donati |
The Vatican library (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana) has undertaken a massive project to digitize thousands of its historical manuscripts, which date from the…
by Silvia Donati |
The real Sherlock Holmes is half Italian, apparently.
According to biographer Angela Buckley, who wrote a book about “The Real Sherlock Holmes,” Jerome…
by John Bensalhia |
In our third article dedicated to the Italian Renaissance (read part 1 here and part 2 here), John Bensalhia looks at how the movement spurred on a whole new…
by John Bensalhia |
In our second article dedicated to the Italian Renaissance, John Bensalhia assesses the core beliefs and philosophies that defined it.
The Renaissance…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia kicks off his look at the Italian Renaissance with a brief guide as to its origins, the main players and the schools of thought behind this…
by Anonymous (not verified) |
Sometimes truth is indeed stranger than fiction – although this episode can claim an illustrious literary reference.
In the cemetery of Cimitile, near Naples…
by Carol King |
Carol King examines some of Pope Francis’ favourite things as revealed in a recent interview and discovers many of them are Italian.
Pope Francis’ love of…
by Ted Jones |
In the middle of the 19th century, the English author John Ruskin wrote to his father from Tuscany: “You cannot conceive what a divine country this is just now…
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